Edward walked through the forest, determined to find his way back to Katrina. The sun was shining brightly; Even beneath the trees's leaves, beams of sunlight still passed through. He enjoyed it for awhile, absorbing the light's mana through lumos. Until he needed it no more and the heat began to beat down. After awhile he found a shady path, and began to slow down. Determination was one thing, but heat and endurance was another..
Then suddenly he heard a loud rustling through the trees.
Grass flew up and he saw a flash of red which crashed into him.
"Heey~ Oww! Who do you-", the squeaky-voiced girl stopped, when she noticed Edward sitting a few inches away. He was rubbing the back of his head from the painful collision.
"Oh woow!", she jumped up clasping her hands, "A real prince!! You must have come to rescue me!"
"P-prince..?", Edward asked confusedly, looking up with one eye squinted.
"Mhmm!", she beamed, "How lucky I am! I don't know how much further I could've ran."
Though she was ecstatic, you could tell she was out of breath from running.
She smiled, wiping the sweat from her brow.
"..Wait, why were you-", but before he could finish, she cut him off.
"Hey where's your white horse? It should be right here.", the girl stared intently and pointed at a spot near Edward.
He looked at the spot and then blinked in disbelief.
"Huh? It's not even here!", she ducked and scouted the area, "It's gotta be around here... somewhere!"
"Umm...?", Edward gave her a puzzled look.
"Oh I know! He's back at the castle isn't he? Is he sick? Or maybe he's hurt?", she feigned concern.
"It's gotta be this then! Is he back with your guards, waiting? Since you ran ahead to come find me because you're so dashing and gallant and all that??"
"It's not that either...", his voice was weak, but he smiled sheepishly.
"What..? No?"
"I don't have a horse. Not a white one anyway..", Edward stood up looking upset. He started to walk down the path.
"Hey where are you going without me? Wait up!", the girl ran after him.
Her pink pigtails flew as wildly as her imagination did...
He turned to face her, "Look I don't have time to play, this is really important that I-"
She grabbed his arm, "Ooh don't worry silly, we can wait! Orrrr, we can kiss right here~"
"What?! No, I don't want to!", he looked back at her as he struggled to pull his arm away.
"Don't you wanna know the name of your one true love~?", she batted her eyes, closing in on him.
"You're not my love and I don't..! But you're way stronger than you look!!", he said breathlessly, as he gave up trying to pull his arm out of her grip and let it fall limply.
"C'mon, stop being so silly. I know why you came here, you handsome prince you~"
"I am not a prince!! Aagh..!", he pulled as hard as he could.
"What?!", her eyes widened as she let go of his arm. He fell to the ground with a thud.
"Uh.. no, I'm not."
She was quiet for a moment and suddenly became furious.
"What?! You liar, how dare you!! Apologize right now!"
"Wh-what are talking about..?", he inched back, "I never even said anything of the sort."
"It's a prince's honor to be kind to his lady, now APOLOGIZE!!", she squeaked, squinting her eyes as she shouted.
Edward looked shocked as he withdrew, but smiled nervously as he took his chance to escape.
Rhylee stomped when she'd noticed him fleeing, "Uuwaaah!! Why do guys always make me chase them?!", with that she became a red blur.

Story Fragment : Edward Meets Rhylee
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Inscribed by Edward Blankenship at 6:36 PMStory Fragment : Unlocking Edward's Potential
Inscribed by Edward Blankenship at 6:15 PM
The sky had turned so dark it seemed almost black, as it rained over the muddy battlefield;
Katrina faced off against a large knight. Gritting her teeth, she held her stance as strongly as she could. Blocking swings from the broadsword with the flat edge of her axe, ducking and swinging.
Her war cries had died down since the recent battles, there were just too many to keep it up.
Edward stood in the distance worriedly, with his hand over his heart;
Wishing he could do something to help her.
But in the darkness of the night, he'd lost all hope.
They were in silence, in darkness... nothing but the sound of rain and steel.
The battle didn't look good.. and even before then they had struggled to make it through.
How many more nights could they possibly last? Getting through seemed impossible.
He stood anxiously, unable to move or speak.
Afraid to throw off her concentration;
Afraid to become the next target;
Suddenly a final clash was made..
With a clang of steel, Katrina dropped to the ground.
A mixture of blood and mud splashed against the knight's armor;
Edward's eyes widened as he stepped towards her.
"No..", he uttered breathlessly.
The knight's eyes could not be seen under his helmet, but he was clearly stomping in Edward's direction... Suddenly the knight, the battlefield, the rain, blood... it all became invisible. Memories of Katrina flooded his mind.
All of the time we spent together.
All of the things we accomplished.
He tried to step forward again, but fell to his knees.
His eyes never left Katrina for a moment.
His open mouth trembled.
He couldn't hear the knight's distant grunt, "Heh.. what an easy kill. Stupid woman, didn't know what she was up against."
The pounding of the knight's greaves echoed closer, but Edward failed to notice..
The pounding of his own heartbeat and heavy breathing blocked out every other sound.
She's not...
She meant..
She meant everything to me...
Tears welled up in the boy's eyes.
"Hey, boy! Can't you do anything for yourself, now that your partner's gone?", laughed the knight's voice.
Edward hadn't heard him, but somehow the thoughts and feelings fluctuated through his mind...
I... I can't..
I can't do anything without her..
I can't be without her!
His mouth shut, but his eyes stayed the same.
Unable to break the gaze, tears streamed down his face.
"Hey!! I'm talking to YOU! Can't you speak up, boy?!", the knight stomped angrily, insulted by the silence.
"....", Edward shuddered, closing his eyes.
"Hah! Speechless. Did I scare the voice right out of ya?! Huh?!", the knight tried to intimidate him with an upward jousting of his spear.
Clang clang, clang clang...
The knight now stood right in front of Edward. It would have been pointless to kill him, if he hadn't had immense power from the symbol on his throat; A danger to their army. The knights had been warned of these people, those who bore mana in their blood. The symbols on their bodies glowed when they tapped into these magical powers used for battle and destruction; Yet that wasn't even the deadliest of their abilities.
"Well! At least you won't make a wretched scream like that dumb girl, when I tear you apart! In fact, I'm surprised you're one of them mana bearers..! You don't seem tough at all!"
"Y-you... you killed her. H..", Edward trembled. He raised a hand slowly.
Even though he was shaking, he raised his palms; His fingers bent upwards like claws in outrage.
"YOU KILLED HER! HOW COULD YOU?!", as his gaze pierced the knight, a bolt of lightening struck near them.
The lightning's flash glared off of Katrina's body, which still lay collapsed in the distance.
Suddenly a power had come over Edward's voice, something no one had ever heard before. A light emanated from his throat. The symbol, Lumos.
"What the!?", the knight stood back in shock, surprised by the sudden outburst.
Edward stood up, gripping his palms into fists, then lowering them to his sides.
Energy swirled around him, creating a strong wind; Bred from his anger and hate.
It pushed the knight even further back as he attempted to flee.
The knight looked around in panic, lightening was striking everywhere... escape was impossible.
"Guaah!! You freak!! I'll KILL YOU!!!", the knight attempted to rush him at this point.
Edward gritted his teeth slightly, sweat falling down his cheek.
The light coming from his throat increased in brightness.
As the knight came closer, the light grew brighter and brighter...
"GYAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!", the knight cried out as he disintegrated into pure light.
Shards of darkness and steel flew from where he stood...
The ray of piercing light shined straight across the continent.
It lit up the skies and disintegrated the dark clouds.
When the beam of light had faded, no trace of a knight, nor scrap of armor could be found..
Edward's eyes closed and he collapsed a few feet away from Katrina.
Hours later the sun shined brightly.. over Katrina's bloody face.
"Err... ah...", her eyes batted slowly, then opened. The clear blue sky came into her focus.
"....What? But how? The sky... it's..", her eyes opened widely all of a sudden, when she remembered the battles. The dark sky, the rain... it'd vanished.
"Edward?!", she sat up quickly in a panic. Not noticing the blood all across her body.
"Gah...!", she grabbed her stomach in pain, where the wound was.
Through blurry, squinted eyes she stared across the battlefield.. and saw him lying there.
Holding her wounds, she stood up without too much of a struggle;
She didn't seem to feel pain, but her expression was sheer fear.
The only time she would ever give a look like that was when he was in danger.
Gasping, she rushed to him, and then shook him roughly as she fell down to her knees.
When that didn't work, she looked him over and examined him as quickly as possible.
But there were no sign of injuries.. no wounds.... he was completely unharmed.
She smiled, her eyes sparkling in the sunlight. She clasped his hand to her heart, closing her eyes with relief. Katrina lowered her head and raised him up against her with her other arm, holding him close.
"I think it's finally over... and even if it wasn't, I'd still be sitting here, holding onto you..", she laughed softly, almost crying with joy.
"I must be getting soft.", she thought, staring at him lovingly.
"What if a soldier were to come right at this moment? My back completely exposed.."
"But those things... they don't matter. Not now.. and.. I have a feeling. That.. something wonderful happened."
Katrina faced off against a large knight. Gritting her teeth, she held her stance as strongly as she could. Blocking swings from the broadsword with the flat edge of her axe, ducking and swinging.
Her war cries had died down since the recent battles, there were just too many to keep it up.
Edward stood in the distance worriedly, with his hand over his heart;
Wishing he could do something to help her.
But in the darkness of the night, he'd lost all hope.
They were in silence, in darkness... nothing but the sound of rain and steel.
The battle didn't look good.. and even before then they had struggled to make it through.
How many more nights could they possibly last? Getting through seemed impossible.
He stood anxiously, unable to move or speak.
Afraid to throw off her concentration;
Afraid to become the next target;
Suddenly a final clash was made..
With a clang of steel, Katrina dropped to the ground.
A mixture of blood and mud splashed against the knight's armor;
Edward's eyes widened as he stepped towards her.
"No..", he uttered breathlessly.
The knight's eyes could not be seen under his helmet, but he was clearly stomping in Edward's direction... Suddenly the knight, the battlefield, the rain, blood... it all became invisible. Memories of Katrina flooded his mind.
All of the time we spent together.
All of the things we accomplished.
He tried to step forward again, but fell to his knees.
His eyes never left Katrina for a moment.
His open mouth trembled.
He couldn't hear the knight's distant grunt, "Heh.. what an easy kill. Stupid woman, didn't know what she was up against."
The pounding of the knight's greaves echoed closer, but Edward failed to notice..
The pounding of his own heartbeat and heavy breathing blocked out every other sound.
She's not...
She meant..
She meant everything to me...
Tears welled up in the boy's eyes.
"Hey, boy! Can't you do anything for yourself, now that your partner's gone?", laughed the knight's voice.
Edward hadn't heard him, but somehow the thoughts and feelings fluctuated through his mind...
I... I can't..
I can't do anything without her..
I can't be without her!
His mouth shut, but his eyes stayed the same.
Unable to break the gaze, tears streamed down his face.
"Hey!! I'm talking to YOU! Can't you speak up, boy?!", the knight stomped angrily, insulted by the silence.
"....", Edward shuddered, closing his eyes.
"Hah! Speechless. Did I scare the voice right out of ya?! Huh?!", the knight tried to intimidate him with an upward jousting of his spear.
Clang clang, clang clang...
The knight now stood right in front of Edward. It would have been pointless to kill him, if he hadn't had immense power from the symbol on his throat; A danger to their army. The knights had been warned of these people, those who bore mana in their blood. The symbols on their bodies glowed when they tapped into these magical powers used for battle and destruction; Yet that wasn't even the deadliest of their abilities.
"Well! At least you won't make a wretched scream like that dumb girl, when I tear you apart! In fact, I'm surprised you're one of them mana bearers..! You don't seem tough at all!"
"Y-you... you killed her. H..", Edward trembled. He raised a hand slowly.
Even though he was shaking, he raised his palms; His fingers bent upwards like claws in outrage.
"YOU KILLED HER! HOW COULD YOU?!", as his gaze pierced the knight, a bolt of lightening struck near them.
The lightning's flash glared off of Katrina's body, which still lay collapsed in the distance.
Suddenly a power had come over Edward's voice, something no one had ever heard before. A light emanated from his throat. The symbol, Lumos.
"What the!?", the knight stood back in shock, surprised by the sudden outburst.
Edward stood up, gripping his palms into fists, then lowering them to his sides.
Energy swirled around him, creating a strong wind; Bred from his anger and hate.
It pushed the knight even further back as he attempted to flee.
The knight looked around in panic, lightening was striking everywhere... escape was impossible.
"Guaah!! You freak!! I'll KILL YOU!!!", the knight attempted to rush him at this point.
Edward gritted his teeth slightly, sweat falling down his cheek.
The light coming from his throat increased in brightness.
As the knight came closer, the light grew brighter and brighter...
"GYAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!", the knight cried out as he disintegrated into pure light.
Shards of darkness and steel flew from where he stood...
The ray of piercing light shined straight across the continent.
It lit up the skies and disintegrated the dark clouds.
When the beam of light had faded, no trace of a knight, nor scrap of armor could be found..
Edward's eyes closed and he collapsed a few feet away from Katrina.
Hours later the sun shined brightly.. over Katrina's bloody face.
"Err... ah...", her eyes batted slowly, then opened. The clear blue sky came into her focus.
"....What? But how? The sky... it's..", her eyes opened widely all of a sudden, when she remembered the battles. The dark sky, the rain... it'd vanished.
"Edward?!", she sat up quickly in a panic. Not noticing the blood all across her body.
"Gah...!", she grabbed her stomach in pain, where the wound was.
Through blurry, squinted eyes she stared across the battlefield.. and saw him lying there.
Holding her wounds, she stood up without too much of a struggle;
She didn't seem to feel pain, but her expression was sheer fear.
The only time she would ever give a look like that was when he was in danger.
Gasping, she rushed to him, and then shook him roughly as she fell down to her knees.
When that didn't work, she looked him over and examined him as quickly as possible.
But there were no sign of injuries.. no wounds.... he was completely unharmed.
She smiled, her eyes sparkling in the sunlight. She clasped his hand to her heart, closing her eyes with relief. Katrina lowered her head and raised him up against her with her other arm, holding him close.
"I think it's finally over... and even if it wasn't, I'd still be sitting here, holding onto you..", she laughed softly, almost crying with joy.
"I must be getting soft.", she thought, staring at him lovingly.
"What if a soldier were to come right at this moment? My back completely exposed.."
"But those things... they don't matter. Not now.. and.. I have a feeling. That.. something wonderful happened."
Story Fragment : The Emperor's Bride
Inscribed by Edward Blankenship at 6:04 PM
Nijeru, now seeking to create a dynasty of war and power, searched for the most powerful woman to wed and bear his child... Unfortunately for him, his men found Katrina.. and after much struggle was able to seperate her from her allies and detain her. Unwillingly she sat, tied in rope and giving a death glare to the emperor who now stood only feet away.
He thought it safe to come closer, as they were surrounded by his guards.
He bent down, holding her chin in his hands.
"So... my bride, you must be the most powerful woman in the world. Am I correct?"
With that, she chomped on his finger and he flinched away;
"I'm NOT your bride, you big flashy idiot!! I have a husband, you know!"
She turned her head from him and closed her eyes. He smiled, a bit caught off guard.
"Well you seem strong... Don't worry, you'll soon forget all about that.. It's not like impressions matter afterall, and you won't have a choice."
Her eyes widened, "What?!"
Nijeru turned towards the door, to leave her in the dimly lit room, "I'll see you on our wedding day.. until then, enjoy the evaluation and training sessions brought to you by my men; But with you, I'm sure it won't be long until then though."
She jumped, causing the chair to hop, "Hey!! Wait! Where do you think you're going!? You can't just--
But it was too late, he'd slammed the door, and with pleasure.
"..leave me here.", she paused as many shadows surrounded her.
"DAMN IT!! I'll never marry that guy!", a loud banging was heard from outside.
Moments later...
Katrina opened a door, as the sun shone in on the fallen men of the Fushigata empire;
They weren't dead, but most were unconscious, unable to move or moaning as they tried.
Katrina grinned cynically, "Now where is that bastard who set me up? It's time to make him pay."
A young soldier flinched and nearly ran when he saw her, but she caught up and grabbed him by the collar.
"You! Do you know where that emperor guy is?!"
"N-no!! I don't-- I..! Please, let me go!"
"Not until you talk! Now talk!", she shook his collar lightly.
"Please, I'm just a trainee solider! I'm not here to fight you. The emperor said..! He said his bride would be the strongest woman and... and.. to be locked away in that-- ah! You're her, aren't you?! Please, don't hurt me!!"
"Stop babbling and tell me where that emperor is! I'm going to give him a piece of my mind."
"B-but!! I don't know where he is!"
"Well you're not going anywhere, now are you?"
"If I let you go, you'll just go tell everyone I've escaped; So... until I say so, you're staying with ME! Got that?!"
"Y-yes ma'am!! Oh my god... the emperor is going to kill me.."
"Hey, what's the problem!? You've got the strongest woman in the world protecting you, so stop whining!"
"Ah.. r-right! Thank you.."
"Haha, well looks like we're probably no match for his whole army yet.. So, are any other prisoners being held here?"
"Um... that's--"
"If it's classified I don't wanna hear it, just show me alright? You're not under an oath or something anymore, are you?"
"R-right! This way!!", the soldier lead her to the prison chambers. She followed him lavishly.
He thought it safe to come closer, as they were surrounded by his guards.
He bent down, holding her chin in his hands.
"So... my bride, you must be the most powerful woman in the world. Am I correct?"
With that, she chomped on his finger and he flinched away;
"I'm NOT your bride, you big flashy idiot!! I have a husband, you know!"
She turned her head from him and closed her eyes. He smiled, a bit caught off guard.
"Well you seem strong... Don't worry, you'll soon forget all about that.. It's not like impressions matter afterall, and you won't have a choice."
Her eyes widened, "What?!"
Nijeru turned towards the door, to leave her in the dimly lit room, "I'll see you on our wedding day.. until then, enjoy the evaluation and training sessions brought to you by my men; But with you, I'm sure it won't be long until then though."
She jumped, causing the chair to hop, "Hey!! Wait! Where do you think you're going!? You can't just--
But it was too late, he'd slammed the door, and with pleasure.
"..leave me here.", she paused as many shadows surrounded her.
"DAMN IT!! I'll never marry that guy!", a loud banging was heard from outside.
Moments later...
Katrina opened a door, as the sun shone in on the fallen men of the Fushigata empire;
They weren't dead, but most were unconscious, unable to move or moaning as they tried.
Katrina grinned cynically, "Now where is that bastard who set me up? It's time to make him pay."
A young soldier flinched and nearly ran when he saw her, but she caught up and grabbed him by the collar.
"You! Do you know where that emperor guy is?!"
"N-no!! I don't-- I..! Please, let me go!"
"Not until you talk! Now talk!", she shook his collar lightly.
"Please, I'm just a trainee solider! I'm not here to fight you. The emperor said..! He said his bride would be the strongest woman and... and.. to be locked away in that-- ah! You're her, aren't you?! Please, don't hurt me!!"
"Stop babbling and tell me where that emperor is! I'm going to give him a piece of my mind."
"B-but!! I don't know where he is!"
"Well you're not going anywhere, now are you?"
"If I let you go, you'll just go tell everyone I've escaped; So... until I say so, you're staying with ME! Got that?!"
"Y-yes ma'am!! Oh my god... the emperor is going to kill me.."
"Hey, what's the problem!? You've got the strongest woman in the world protecting you, so stop whining!"
"Ah.. r-right! Thank you.."
"Haha, well looks like we're probably no match for his whole army yet.. So, are any other prisoners being held here?"
"Um... that's--"
"If it's classified I don't wanna hear it, just show me alright? You're not under an oath or something anymore, are you?"
"R-right! This way!!", the soldier lead her to the prison chambers. She followed him lavishly.
Katrina Johanson (カトリーナ ジョハンソン)
Inscribed by Edward Blankenship at 2:26 AM- GENERAL DATA -
Pronounciation: [ka TREE nah] Language: Greek
[Meaning: Pure / Variant short form of Katherine.]
Surname: 'Johanson' (ジョハンソン)
Pronounciation: [joe han sun] Language: Germanic
[Meaning: Patronymic family name meaning "son of Johan".]
Title: Miss
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Race: Human • SubRace: None • Ethnicity:Civilian
Occupation: Orchard worker and part-time Shopkeeper
Social Class: Middle Class • Social Status: Commoner
Marital Status: Committed (to Edward Langley)
Birthdate: 06/06/992 • Time: 4:00 AM • Place: Calloway • Civil
Hometown: Remoriah
Theme Song: Smile & Smile (Listen) • Smile & Smile v.2 (Listen)
Battle Theme: Toge (Listen) • Toge v.2 (Listen)
Orientation: Heterosexual
Religion: Needs names
Zodiac: Cancer
Bloodtype: B+
Likes: Succeeding, Winning, Proving others wrong (Not pettily, only if it was personally degrading to her or others.), Nature, The sound of birds chirping, Plants, Fresh air, Cool breezes, Windy days, Sweets, Aromatic flowers, Relaxing music, Beaches, Swimming, Sunbathing, Sunny skies, Simplicity, Finding constellations in the stars, Seeing shapes in the clouds, Taking baths after work, Children, Most pets (Even the strange, providing they're tame.).
Dislikes: Failure, Poverty, Weakness, Showing vulnerability, Alcohol, Guns, Brutish men, Changes, Fake people, Industrial machinery, Destruction of nature (Like massive, tearing down a forest to make land. She's fine with harvesting resources, chopping trees, clearing paths, ect.)
Hobbies: Homemaking, Babysitting, Gardening, Baking, Crafts, Leisure (Such as in spa treatments), Chopping trees, Harvesting, Shopkeeping, Organizing, Exercising, Some sports.
Turn-Ons: Compliments, Courtship, Romance, Gifts (Especially thoughtful to show that you know her or were thinking of her), Honesty, Shows of affection, Love letters, Sincerity, Patience, Sweet, Traditional, Awkward, Funny, Fun-loving, Cute, Innocent, Good grooming, Social chemistry (Communicate well), Intimacy, Trust.
Erogenous zones: Chest and breasts.
Turn-Offs: Pushed into meeting or relationships (With friends/relatives/people she doesn't know.), Talking her into things, Forceful, Threatening, Distrustful, Shady, Unhygienic, Arrogant, Disobedient, Pranks, rude jokes and goofing off (Especially when it's a dangerous or in a serious situation.).
Favorite Colors: Red, Crimson, Maroon, Green, White, Purple, Orange, Tan.
Favorite Foods: Tiramisu, Lattes, Coffee, Caramel, Cinnamon, Honey, Brioche, Fillet Mignon, Bruschetta, Steak, Pumpkin pie, Apple pie, Muffins, Most fruit, Apples, Cherries, Most berries, Pumpkin, Pomegranate, Whole grain bread, Wheat bread, Avocados, Guacamole, Salsa, Bell peppers, Cucumbers, Tomatoes.
Least Favorite Foods: Garlic, Carrots, Beets, Horseradish, Radishes, Vinegar, Alcohol, Wine, Cranberries, Chili peppers, Strong and bitter foods.
Favorite Animals: Deers, Horses, Cows, Dogs, Foxes, Wolves, Coyotes, Dragonflies, Frogs.
Favorite Seasons: Autumn and Summer
Strengths: Maternal instinct, Confidence, Enthusiastic, Protective of her child and spouse, Comforting, Hospitable, Understanding of those she cares about (For those she doesn't; she may not be.), Good judgment, Hardworking, Innovative, Good at making money, Heavy lifting and moving (Job-related skill), Ghosts (Doesn't believe in them.), Hides her sensitive feelings.
Weaknesses: Children, Edward, Impulsive, Reckless, Loud, Careless, Doesn't use her head, Stubborn, Blindly vengeful and competitive, Moody, Bad temper, Extreme emotions, Obvious at times (Can't hide or mask emotion well.), Sore loser, Uncooperative (With people she doesn't like.), Unpredictable/Spontaneous.
Phobias: Unknown.
Habits: Inconsiderate, Restless, Rude, Nosy, Pushy, Sarcasm, Aggressive, Biting (An enemy/attacker in a desperate situation.), Breaking rules, Choking someone, Holding someone by the collar, Intimidating or scaring (For a reason/cause only, not in general.), Slapping or hitting, Dragging, pushing or carrying someone to move them without their consent, Pushing through a crowd, Cutting in line, Gossiping, Taking things without asking (Not from friends or people on good-terms).
Personality: A brave and rambunctious young woman. She hates staying indoors or staying still for a long period of time and loves to run off and explore. She's quite social in town, she does a lot of odd jobs and does well with children. She hates it when guys hit on her. Especially Bruce, the head of a street urchin gang in her city. Not because of his social class, but because of his vulgar and dramatized manliness that she's seen so much of in the country. She's quick to anger but also quick to forgive, so she tends to feel sorry rather than hating him. Thanks to her sound sense of personal judgment, she goes easy on the people who are innocent.. but is tough with those who have bad intent. Despite her tough front she has a very tender and motherly instinct and is hospitable to the less fortunate.
She can seem pretty hostile and unapproachable, but shows her cheery side to those she cares about and trusts. In fact, she commonly acts lighthearted and friendly except when she feels threatened, peeved or is in a serious situation. She can usually tell when someone is lying or has alternate motives, in fact she'll say it out loud if she doesn't trust someone. Katrina often warns Edward of this sort of thing as he's forgetful and often times too trusting. When involved in a group project she's dutiful, looking out for others; Only becoming irresponsible or uncaring when either she dislikes the person, the problem is too much of a burden at the time, when there's nothing she can do; Or when she has no reason or involvement in doing so. (Ex. An outside case like townspeople's issues when she's doing something more important. When Rhylee has boyfriend problems.) Although she's not exactly greedy, she'd rather do something if she got something in return or make a deal if it's a problem or person she dislikes; She does have standards. At the same time she enjoys giving help or charity to those who deserve it.
Keywords: Hearty, Brave, Hot tempered, Frank, Easygoing, Peppy, Ambitious, Passionate, Confident, Rambunctious, Audacious, Practical.
Readings: Birth Chart, Personality Readings, Karmic, Synastry.
Keywords: ...Similar Voices: Kate (Voice is a bit mechanized.), Lisa (Sosuke's Mother/Ponyo).
Accents: None
Native Language: Civilian
Known Languages: Civilian
"Who me? Oh, you must be mistaken.. I'm just your average towns girl.",
"A sword? No thanks, I have something that'll put a hurting on 'em much worse..",
"As long as I'm around, you're not touchin' a lock or curl on his head!",
Common Sayings, Prefixes and Suffixes:"Get back here!! I'd like to see you try that again!", "...What do you think you're doing?",
"And where do you think you're going?", "Fancy meeting you here~",
"I'm sure they won't be needing this~",
"I'm sure they won't mind if I just borrow it for awhile..",
"It'll be fine! Just calm down..", "I'm not crying... shut up.",
"You know, normally I'd be happy to be in this situation with you, Edward; but right now isn't the best time..."
"You've gotta be kidding me..", "Charming world you must live in..."
"That's not my problem. So why don't you deal with it yourself?",
"What do you mean I'm not allowed in here?!"
Height: 5'6" ft. (1.68 m)Weight: 127 lbs. (00 kg)
Build: Tall, Busty and Curvy.
Dominance: Right-handed
Skin Tone: Average with a light tan (#HexCode)
Hair Color: Copper (#HexCode)
Eye Color: Brown (#HexCode)
Class: MerchantSubClass: Axeman
Type: Basher
Fighting Style: Melee
Weapons: Axes, Swords, Maces, Flails.
Bearing: Dyna of the Heat on the Heart.
Alterbeing: Domina
Pronounciation: [DOM-in-ah] Language: Latin
[Meaning: "Lady; a lady; a title formerly given to
noble ladies who held a barony in their own right."]
Class: Goddess
Rank: Sacred
"The Civilian Goddess of War; she is the symbol of feminine strength and vitality. She favors fairness in battle and is angered by betrayal. Domina is portrayed as both a savior and punisher of man-kind; wielding a giant battle axe and donning crimson armor. She also has a connection with horses, metals, fire, wind storms and strong winds. A majority of her followers include all-female subcultures such as the amazons. Although she is well-liked by most Civilians, who pray to her for the safety of their loved ones, especially of those who are at war. Her lover is said to be Uriel the Muse; for it is he whom has the patience and temperance to endure her long awaited return from the battlefield and oversee it with his gift of flight."
[Command List]
Attack: Cut
"Attacks with a blade weapon."
Requires an equipped axe or Sword. Effects depend on weapon.
If the enemy has 0 Physic AFF, the attack automatically miss.
Attack: Whack
"Attacks with a blunt weapon."
Requires an equipped mace or flail. Effects depend on weapon.
If the enemy has 0 Physic AFF, the attack automatically miss.
Defend: Name (Desc.)
Skill: Axemanship
"Uses various techniques with an axe."
Requires an equipped mace or flail. Effects depend on weapon.
If the enemy has 0 Physic AFF, the attack automatically miss.
Spell: Dyna"Casts Heat, Fire and Wind elemental magic."
Requires MP and a terrain with a fire, heat and/or wind source.
Item: Throw"Throws an item from her bag."
Works on all items except Key items. Effects depend on the item.Escape: Name (Desc.)
Alter: Domina
Tap (4): Vitality - HP restoration. (+1 AP)
Strength - ATK increase. (+5 AP)
Fairness - An Ally attacks an enemy with one of same Level or Stat. (+6 AP)
Equality - Allies and Enemies share the same Level. (+20 AP)
Effect occurs once in battle, at the start.
Untap (4):
Fragility - HP depletion. (-1 AP)
Weakness - ATK decrease. (-5 AP)
Anger - An Ally attacks another Ally. (-6 AP)Betrayal - An Ally kills another Ally. (-10 AP)
Stat Growth: (Numbered from 1-10%, 5 being average.)
HP:10 • SP:06 • MP:04
ATK:o9 • DEF:04
INT:04 • MDEF:03
AGI:06 • DEX:05
CHA:o9 • EVA:03
Affinities: (Numbered from 1-10%, 5 being average.)
Fire:05 • Water:01
Earth:02 • Wind:05
Light:02 • Dark:01
Physic:09 • Psyche:01
Blood:08 • Mana:01
Metal:02 • Wood:03
Sight:01 • Sound:01
Alignment: NeutralStoryline: Her mother left her father at one point, she doesn't know why. She can't bring herself to ask her father, as he gets depressed when he thinks about her. So Katrina became strong and hopeful to take the lead female role in her family. She grew up with only her father teaching her to work hard and playing with boys in town, so she was a tomboy even in her youth.
As she got older her father attempted to slow her pace by making her stay home. Though, doing housework, keeping the shop and working at the orchard don't necessarily change her attitude, she tries to act feminine around him, for his sake. She has a talent in money making also, which is why her father suggested such a job. He wants her to grow up, settle down, have a family of her own and continue the family business. She does her best to make him proud, but is still as rebellious as her childhood, without realizing the trouble she causes...
She's well known by the common folk for her popularity with customers and helping out with kids. She's even better known by the low class men who hit on her.. only to earn her the title of "Untouchable Flame". Sometimes while she's helping carrying shipments out to port, or near the back of the pub, she'll get harassed by brutish men like these. Luckily she knows how to deal with them and they end up whimpering away with their tails between their legs, or just muttering angrily if they're lucky. However, these brute type of men seem to have had a long lasting effect on her own personality; Some say she's so much of a man herself, that there is no one who is man enough for her... Surrounded by these sorts, she often dreams of meeting a real gentleman who isn't as hard headed as those brutes and isn't fake as most of the nobles. (...More?)
Tutors: NoneParents: Abel Johanson (Father), Carrie Johanson (Mother).
Siblings: None
Children: Rebecca Langley (Daughter)
Other Family Members: Firstname Lastname (Relation)
Friends: Saluna Lecross (Friend)
Romance Interests: Edward Langley (Fiance'/Future Husband)
Pets: None
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