Mana Bearers
In this day and age, those who bear mana in their veins are said to be marked by the gods; as descendants of the first Demi-Gods. The Demi-Gods were the first children of the gods, having unlimited power and mana. Though they met a timely fate for their misuse of that power, the new generations of mana bearers are limited by their mark as well as gifted. The gift is the use of magic, but the penalty is that they are born with weaknesses and trials to overcome; "descents", in order to unlock their true potential, or "ascent". The reason for this is that their ancestors, the first to bear mana, took advantage of their powers. So from now on, the gods decided that one must earn their right to use magic before they are capable of it.
Mana Bearings
The bearing itself is a symbol of an ancient tongue known as ???. The image and shape of said symbol, is the character of the word itself. ((Much like Kanji.)) The bearings were named for the dimensions that the first Demi-Gods were born in, as well as their names themselves.
Mana bearings are only given at birth or rebirth; if one is able to achieve such a fate. A bearing glows when the bearer casts a spell or is in range or comes into contact with another bearer for the first time. It's also said to glow when the bearer is in danger among other omens and intuitions, many of which remain unexplained.
Lesser Affinities
Not only is Fire an element of the mana bearing Dynamo, but Dyna is the bearing for warmth while Dynamo is the bearing for destructive flames. Each element has various intensities, origins and combinations. Lesser affinities are a combination of two or more major affinities. For example: Fire+Wind = Heat; or written in bearings, Dynamo+Aero = Dyna.
Dimensional Gates
The dimensional gateways were first created in order to seal off other dimensions from Terra; the home of mana bearers. This is, once again, a limitation that was not given to their ancestors, the Demi-Gods. The dimensional gates have some connection to the mana bearings as well. This being so, each bearer can use theirs as a key to enter the gates. Since their ancestors were each born in a different dimension, some mana bearers may feel closer spiritually, to a certain dimension. However, there are also sealed dimensions which can only be entered by using a spell or other form of ritual known to the Drym.
The Triad
The triad is a triangular dimensional gate, which appears invisibly to the naked eye on Terra; but visibly in Aero. It is located ???. It's purpose is to seal the dimensional border between Terra and Nova, and many other dimensional borders.
Little is known about it by the public, some say you disappear upon entrance, some say you are transferred to another dimension (a specific or random), or some believe that you perish. The truth of the triad is that it is a gate which, when unsealed, sends you into a random dimension, so you may very well die.. or live, if you're willing to take the risk.
Dimensional Summary
Souls are created in Aqua, a dimension that when stepped into, seems to be somewhat of a spirit river; a long forked waterway of souls, that are transferred to their suited dimension based on the gods' consent.
Souls which are transferred to Terra will become living, physical beings.
Souls which are transferred to Aero will be allowed a rest and have their choice of dimensions. Aero is somewhat of a peaceful realm where plants are alive, they are full of love and guidance and everything flows and moves. Aero would be to take the decisive approach and decide where you want to go, however one must be deserving of that privilege. Those who are not, are sent to Aqua, for the natural, god-supervised process.
The natural process would be to travel to the Aqua dimension and be reborn automatically. Since the two are connected. Sometimes there are ghosts visible when the veil between Aero and Terra becomes thin; especially during the Winter. At these times the blue blood known as mana, also tends to become more visible.
Souls transferred to Lumos are either brought there to become angels or to be gifted by the gods, blessed or reborn.
Souls transferred to Dynamo are either brought there to become demons or to be tortured.
Souls transferred to Dyna, are in the eternal womb; a place where premature deaths and damaged souls end up, if they can be salvaged at all. When a young, or undeserved death is had, the soul is transferred to the Dyna dimension where they will rest until they are ready to be reborn into Aqua. This is because they are too young and weak to be materialized into Aero.
Souls who come upon the dimensional rift, Nova, may choose any dimension of their liking;
this is rare, but there are cases where living beings may end up or travel to Nova. It is much like a highway, linking into every dimension from a round room located somewhere in Stella.
Those who fall prey to the Electro dimension's wormhole are often living beings who die shortly due to the damage created by the storm. However there is much debris as well. Souls without physical bodies can exist here, though there is no real point.
Those who travel into Umbra are either lost souls or advanced magicians; many powerful mages come here to clear their heads and think because it is a void of darkness and silence. No matter who comes there, it is as if they are in the center of their own mind. So even if there were multiple souls in the Umbra dimension, they could not see nor hear each other.
Those who are sent to the Cryo dimension are often banished or simply unfortunate.. unless they are souls who know the way out. Humans cannot live there because of the extremely low temperature; but time never passes, so sometimes lost souls go there to unwind.
The world in which the main story's focus is set. It is a combination of powers and nations, some still undiscovered. It is a time of discovery and of both magical and technological advances. There are many dangerous places as well as wars. Some nations are more civilized or technologically advanced and some are more traditional, use magical sciences or are more primitive than others, while some lay completely isolated from the rest of it.
The dimension in which new lives are born, new spirits are created and lives are chosen for them. It's known as the spirit river because it appears as an underground waterway which is connected to Aero; though it is still an alternate dimension, since it requires stepping through a gate to reach. Sometimes people who are reborn will pass through this dimension; but only spirits may see things here, it would be invisible to the eyes of humans without the full power of their third eye. However, the spirits given life here often forget their memory of the Aqua dimension once they pass through. As no one has memory of their birth, who is born on Terra.
A dimension which exists to travel through time, for every dimension. Though in some dimensions time stands still, in this case it would be ineffective to travel there. It is one of the few places the Drym has left a copy of himself, to guide visitors. The Drym will allow you to travel through time into a dimension, by using a spell and the time dial.
The time dial is an ancient round slate, which exists to show us the timelines of previous history. It's shaped like a round slate and is covered with various markings. You use it to decide which time you'd like to travel to. Once a time is selected by touch, the dial begins spinning and the Drym must cast the spell in order to initiate said teleportation. Which means, if you are not given permission, then you cannot travel through time.
The Drym will use one of two spells: Chronos I and Chronos II.
The first spell, Chronos I, will allow you to 'view' time in that dimension. You will appear in the form of a spirit, invisible to all others who are without Psyche affinity. Then you may roam whatever dimension as long as you wish, but not interact or change anything.
The second spell Chronos II, will allow you to visit a time in that dimension. You will appear in the flesh, in your current state, age and so on. You are given a chance to change things in the past, but it is a wary choice..
Some call it the dimension between life and death. It's the place where all spirits go when a living being dies; a temporal resting place and a gate to the next life and a line of rebirth. Most people see it right after they die or have a near death experience. No one stays here eternally, only as the spirit cycle processes. Times when it is overpopulated means that many casualties are occuring. Sometimes living beings can enter gates or separate their souls from their bodies temporarily to visit Aero.
It is said to be a heavenly garden, that which was created near the beginning of time; just after the Chronos dimension. It's a bright, sunny and flowing world full of lush plants which dance in the breeze. Sometimes the spirits of small animals remain here; while others like to stay to relax or decide for themselves where to go.. on their journey after death. It is connected to Lumos, Dyna and Aqua.
Said to be the "realm of the angels", in biblical reference; it is indeed a place where angels roam, but also a place revered by the gods. Those who come here from Aero are often being reborn, becoming angels, or being given some form of gift. It's a beautiful, bright and breezy land of fields and clouds up in a blue sky. It exists above Terra, many miles above Stella; though the naked eye cannot see it and it's height of travel is impossible unless new advances in technology are made.
The dark and cruel "realm of demons", it is a place where monsters and demons dwell. It is a home to evil spirits. Beings who are brought here from Aero often become demons or are being tortured for their sins. The world is engulfed in flames as if it were Terra's core. The truth, is that it exists underneath Terra; though far below the core, just as Lumos is high above it, up in Stella. At times demons and monsters find their way through the dimensional gates and this is how they appear in the world, wreaking havoc. This tends to occur when necromancers and evil humans unseal borders like the triad.
A dimensional rift in between all dimensions, which connects them; it is thought to have been first found by a human named Nash. He is possibly the key to all dimensions, or simply one who's destiny has allowed him such a connection.
A stormy dimension which many unfortunate travelers end up. Many ships and unidentified objects float amidst it's ruins. It seems to be some sort of wormhole which reappears frequently when there is a disturbance in the dimensional void. No human can exist here without dying soon after, due to the intense storms.
Some call it purgatory, the dark void where one may walk endlessly in the same direction without getting anywhere. It is a place some come to think and meditate, while for most it is too dangerous a place where one may be stuck eternally...
A dimension in which which time never passes. It is frozen over and so frigidly cold that a living being could not inhabit it. Only the spirits of the departed may travel to this dimension and live to return...
The stellar void also known as space or the universe, famous for it's body of stars and constellations; most which can be viewed through telescopes. Some see the universe as a giant ocean of stars and planets, which revolve as time passes. However, it is only one small universe among many... It is also home to Terra, Sola and Luna; the earth, sun and moon. The other dimensions are scattered across it, as well as outside of it.

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