Half-demons tend to be born with larger or more intimidating features.

SubRace : Half-Animal
Inscribed by Edward Blankenship at 2:03 AM
Half-animals have multiple offspring at once, like how actual animals have litters. Except much fewer, having about 2-4 half-animals in a litter. While some may look alike, having half-animal twins is as rare as it is for humans. Features given tend to be random though; Some are born only with the ears, some only with tails and some with both, as well as other combinations. Half-animals tend to inherit their animal parent's eyecolor and pattern of fur (if applicable), but their human parent's hair and skin color. Personality wise half-animals differ depending on their species.
SubRace : Half-Angel
Inscribed by Edward Blankenship at 1:29 AM
Race: Human
SubRace: Half-Angel
Breeding Requirements: Human (either gender) and Angel (either gender).
Born Gender: Both Genders
Gender Ratio: Equal
Estimated Lifespan: 50 yrs.
Maturity: 28 yrs. (Half of human's maturity)
Birth: In most cases (especially in the Civil nation) a half-angel's race is kept a secret among humans and other actions are taken to hide any angelic features they may bear. They may even keep the subrace a secret from their child it's whole life, making it believe that it is human alone. Most common rituals are the wing-clipping and removal of the halo, though half-angels' wings and halos appear smaller and not as bright as full angels.
Wing-clipping is the most painful for the child and will often cause scarring on the back, but will remove it's wings; though their are stories that an angels' and half-angels' wings grow back later on in life. Most likely when they reach maturity. Though if their wings have been clipped, then they may appear smaller and frailer.
Halos are the rarer feature for a half-angel to have, so in most cases there is no need to remove any; however, in the case a small halo appears, a magic ritual must be done to remove it. A black mage must be present in the process, which is why some who are fearful of black magic, or are religious may decide against it. Which would leave the option of allowing the halo to stay and dealing with racial mistreatment or finding an isolated or accepting place, for the child and/or family to live. Though the halo-removal is not painful for the child, some say it tends to decrease their affinities in holy, light, psyche and mana.
Though they bear mana in their veins, unlike an average human; a half-angel's mana pales in comparison to the properties and title of a mana bearer. Whom of which bear mana symbols on their flesh, ethereal voids of magical energy which is cause them to have both a bloodstream and a manastream. Whereas, half-angels are born with manastreams in their veins unconditionally.
Reaching Maturity: Upon their 28th birthday, they are said to reach maturity (18th in human years). This is when their wings grow to their full size, as well as their halo may expand; both depending on the physical growth of the half-angel, in order to match proportions.
In the sad case that a half-angel had their wings and halo removed, by the time it reaches maturity and regrows it's wings and it's halo reappears; it's wings will be much smaller and closer to the back, than any half-angels' wings (already smaller than a full), making them unable to fly. Their small halos will also be much paler and less bright, though their affinities will be increased slightly at maturity; it's not as much as natural, mature growth.
Mating: The race that a half-angel decides to mate with has much to do with it's upbringing and it's own views. (Since unlike the righteous angels, half-angels have the human gift of free will; the power to make a decision under any alignment.) There are many types of half-angels, afterall, they can have both traits of the good angels and, the multi-faceted humans.
The ones who tend to feel they are more of an angel, those with knowledge of their born race; most likely those who've kept their wings since birth and may have halos; tend to live among angels and mate with another half-angel or a full-angel. Most people would consider a half-angel couple to be the ideal for it's race, yet others see no problem with angel-half-angel relationships. Most full-angels who are justified do not believe in this.
The half-angels who feel more like a human or somewhere in between, tend to mate with humans; though if they're lucky and knowledgeable enough, they can find a half-angel to mate with. In the case their subrace was kept a secret from them, possibly not having their wings and/or halo, they're most likely to marry a human. Though their refined features, elegance and kindness will not be hidden throughout their lives; they are supposedly blessed to live a modest and wholesome life among humans and are close to their family.
Death: Half-Angels, though they age slower and keep a youthful appearance, tend to have bad health or weak resistance. It's not uncommon for one to have an early death. Their deaths as typically like a human's but their angelic spirit tends to bring good luck and joy to their resting place. Anyone will notice the purity of the burial grounds of a half-angel. It's as if the land was blessed by their kind soul's departure. Plants grow better, scents are sweeter, animals tend to gather more often and the weather seems to be nicer as well. These facts have brought selfish humans the idea of mass murdering half-angels for better land... yet luckily none have tried it.
Typical Behaviors:
- Compassionate and loving, especially at a young age.
- Gloomy disposition and indecisive due to conflicting beliefs.
- Sometimes seems troubled or searching, if it's subrace is unknown to it.
- May corrupt if it's positive traits go unnurtured; takes on negative human traits in place of neglect.
- Interest in angels, angelic beings or in religion.
- Believing one must do what is right and yet knowing what is beneficial; due to human sins and desires.
- Believing there is good in everyone and yet not fully trusting; due to human fear.
- Once they realize the difference between the human and angelic psyche they become more balanced.
Personality: Half-angels, no matter how they're raised or what star sign they fall under, hold compassion and love for all life, making them kind and gentle children. Though they are not as pure hearted as a full angel, whose only joy is obtained from the joy of others, they will still be highly good natured and caring. However, if these traits go un-nurtured there is a high chance for a half-angel to corrupt in some areas; mostly in the areas which are most neglected. (Ex. Making them feel guilty or ashamed will make them more careless or shameless; making them feel unimportant or of little worth will cause them to become egoistic and selfish. The same goes for over-nurturing them; if you disallow them to feel any shame or guilt, they become shameful and guilt-sensitive.)
Typical Beliefs: As an angel's one goal is to give happiness to others, it's said that a half-angel's goal is to share in the happiness of humans and learn to live happy lives. Most half-angels try to associate with humans now and then, in order to keep this process of learning and sharing joy active. Half-angels as well as angels, believe that those who refuse to associate with humans or other races and are too prideful of their angelic lineage will be reborn as fallen angels or humans.
Their goal being to learn of happiness may be due to their gloomy disposition, which most humans find peculiar; though not impossible for a human to have, if they are hiding their racial identity. The fact that they carry said disposition is due to their human mind's pessimism and negative side conflicting with their natural angelic nature; the belief that all things have good within them and one must always be good, or be punished and/or repent for sin. Unlike those who are religious, a half-angels' instinct is to follow these commandments, rather than practice them. They will feel guilty for their sin and want to repent or undo unjust actions immediately without a thought; At first they may feel fearful and find it hard to make decisions or feel they're not doing the right thing. Though these feelings of doubt can be overcome once a half-angel realizes the differences between the minds of humans and angels; whether it be through religion or racial research.
Common Religions: ...
Halo Removal and Wing Clipping at birth
Under the influence of human culture, they conduct two rituals for hiding their angelic appearance (if this is unaccepted by their community). One is a magic ritual: Lucis Orbis Amotio or Halo Removal and one is simply a form of cosmetic surgery: Wing Clipping. These are not exactly considered traditions by means of half-angels, but by humans.
- Highly sensitive to magical or spiritual phenomena.
- The angel parent's genes are more dominant when it comes to physical health and magical traits.
- High chance of birth defects or inheriting disease and/or illness from it's angel parent (if applicable).
- Always born with mana in their blood.
- Born with slightly higher psyche, mana, holy and light affinities.
Intelligence: Average
Natural Capabilities:
Speech • Tool Use • Item Use • Knowledge • Use Skill
Unnatural Capabilities:
Use Magic • E.S.P. • Blessing
Blessing: Lucis Orbis (Light Ring)
Deity: ...
History: ...
Blessing: Pluma Volatilis (Feather Winged)
Deity: ...
History: ...
- Refined and delicate features, most people consider them beautiful. Though not as perfect as a full angel.
- Fragile bodies and naturally elegant composure.
- Always born with wings.
- Sometimes born with a halo. (Rare)
- Smaller wings and halos than full angels, but still large enough wings to fly.
- The human parents' genes are more dominant appearance-wise.
- Can be born blonde, red or brown hair and green or brown eyes. (Common)
- Can be born with red or brown hair and blue eyes. (Uncommon)
- Can be born with black hair and dark eyes. (Rare)
- They are never born with blonde hair and blue eyes at the same time.
- Youthful appearance. They age two times slower than humans.
- Still looks like an infant when is able to walk, which is why cherubs are associated with them.
Limbs: Total 4 | Arm (2), Leg (2).
Movement: Walking and flying.
SubRace: Half-Angel
Breeding Requirements: Human (either gender) and Angel (either gender).
Born Gender: Both Genders
Gender Ratio: Equal
Estimated Lifespan: 50 yrs.
Maturity: 28 yrs. (Half of human's maturity)
Birth: In most cases (especially in the Civil nation) a half-angel's race is kept a secret among humans and other actions are taken to hide any angelic features they may bear. They may even keep the subrace a secret from their child it's whole life, making it believe that it is human alone. Most common rituals are the wing-clipping and removal of the halo, though half-angels' wings and halos appear smaller and not as bright as full angels.
Wing-clipping is the most painful for the child and will often cause scarring on the back, but will remove it's wings; though their are stories that an angels' and half-angels' wings grow back later on in life. Most likely when they reach maturity. Though if their wings have been clipped, then they may appear smaller and frailer.
Halos are the rarer feature for a half-angel to have, so in most cases there is no need to remove any; however, in the case a small halo appears, a magic ritual must be done to remove it. A black mage must be present in the process, which is why some who are fearful of black magic, or are religious may decide against it. Which would leave the option of allowing the halo to stay and dealing with racial mistreatment or finding an isolated or accepting place, for the child and/or family to live. Though the halo-removal is not painful for the child, some say it tends to decrease their affinities in holy, light, psyche and mana.
Though they bear mana in their veins, unlike an average human; a half-angel's mana pales in comparison to the properties and title of a mana bearer. Whom of which bear mana symbols on their flesh, ethereal voids of magical energy which is cause them to have both a bloodstream and a manastream. Whereas, half-angels are born with manastreams in their veins unconditionally.
Reaching Maturity: Upon their 28th birthday, they are said to reach maturity (18th in human years). This is when their wings grow to their full size, as well as their halo may expand; both depending on the physical growth of the half-angel, in order to match proportions.
In the sad case that a half-angel had their wings and halo removed, by the time it reaches maturity and regrows it's wings and it's halo reappears; it's wings will be much smaller and closer to the back, than any half-angels' wings (already smaller than a full), making them unable to fly. Their small halos will also be much paler and less bright, though their affinities will be increased slightly at maturity; it's not as much as natural, mature growth.
Mating: The race that a half-angel decides to mate with has much to do with it's upbringing and it's own views. (Since unlike the righteous angels, half-angels have the human gift of free will; the power to make a decision under any alignment.) There are many types of half-angels, afterall, they can have both traits of the good angels and, the multi-faceted humans.
The ones who tend to feel they are more of an angel, those with knowledge of their born race; most likely those who've kept their wings since birth and may have halos; tend to live among angels and mate with another half-angel or a full-angel. Most people would consider a half-angel couple to be the ideal for it's race, yet others see no problem with angel-half-angel relationships. Most full-angels who are justified do not believe in this.
The half-angels who feel more like a human or somewhere in between, tend to mate with humans; though if they're lucky and knowledgeable enough, they can find a half-angel to mate with. In the case their subrace was kept a secret from them, possibly not having their wings and/or halo, they're most likely to marry a human. Though their refined features, elegance and kindness will not be hidden throughout their lives; they are supposedly blessed to live a modest and wholesome life among humans and are close to their family.
Death: Half-Angels, though they age slower and keep a youthful appearance, tend to have bad health or weak resistance. It's not uncommon for one to have an early death. Their deaths as typically like a human's but their angelic spirit tends to bring good luck and joy to their resting place. Anyone will notice the purity of the burial grounds of a half-angel. It's as if the land was blessed by their kind soul's departure. Plants grow better, scents are sweeter, animals tend to gather more often and the weather seems to be nicer as well. These facts have brought selfish humans the idea of mass murdering half-angels for better land... yet luckily none have tried it.
Typical Behaviors:
- Compassionate and loving, especially at a young age.
- Gloomy disposition and indecisive due to conflicting beliefs.
- Sometimes seems troubled or searching, if it's subrace is unknown to it.
- May corrupt if it's positive traits go unnurtured; takes on negative human traits in place of neglect.
- Interest in angels, angelic beings or in religion.
- Believing one must do what is right and yet knowing what is beneficial; due to human sins and desires.
- Believing there is good in everyone and yet not fully trusting; due to human fear.
- Once they realize the difference between the human and angelic psyche they become more balanced.
Personality: Half-angels, no matter how they're raised or what star sign they fall under, hold compassion and love for all life, making them kind and gentle children. Though they are not as pure hearted as a full angel, whose only joy is obtained from the joy of others, they will still be highly good natured and caring. However, if these traits go un-nurtured there is a high chance for a half-angel to corrupt in some areas; mostly in the areas which are most neglected. (Ex. Making them feel guilty or ashamed will make them more careless or shameless; making them feel unimportant or of little worth will cause them to become egoistic and selfish. The same goes for over-nurturing them; if you disallow them to feel any shame or guilt, they become shameful and guilt-sensitive.)
Typical Beliefs: As an angel's one goal is to give happiness to others, it's said that a half-angel's goal is to share in the happiness of humans and learn to live happy lives. Most half-angels try to associate with humans now and then, in order to keep this process of learning and sharing joy active. Half-angels as well as angels, believe that those who refuse to associate with humans or other races and are too prideful of their angelic lineage will be reborn as fallen angels or humans.
Their goal being to learn of happiness may be due to their gloomy disposition, which most humans find peculiar; though not impossible for a human to have, if they are hiding their racial identity. The fact that they carry said disposition is due to their human mind's pessimism and negative side conflicting with their natural angelic nature; the belief that all things have good within them and one must always be good, or be punished and/or repent for sin. Unlike those who are religious, a half-angels' instinct is to follow these commandments, rather than practice them. They will feel guilty for their sin and want to repent or undo unjust actions immediately without a thought; At first they may feel fearful and find it hard to make decisions or feel they're not doing the right thing. Though these feelings of doubt can be overcome once a half-angel realizes the differences between the minds of humans and angels; whether it be through religion or racial research.
Common Religions: ...
Halo Removal and Wing Clipping at birth
Under the influence of human culture, they conduct two rituals for hiding their angelic appearance (if this is unaccepted by their community). One is a magic ritual: Lucis Orbis Amotio or Halo Removal and one is simply a form of cosmetic surgery: Wing Clipping. These are not exactly considered traditions by means of half-angels, but by humans.
Features:- Highly sensitive to magical or spiritual phenomena.
- The angel parent's genes are more dominant when it comes to physical health and magical traits.
- High chance of birth defects or inheriting disease and/or illness from it's angel parent (if applicable).
- Always born with mana in their blood.
- Born with slightly higher psyche, mana, holy and light affinities.
Intelligence: Average
Natural Capabilities:
Speech • Tool Use • Item Use • Knowledge • Use Skill
Unnatural Capabilities:
Use Magic • E.S.P. • Blessing
Blessing: Lucis Orbis (Light Ring)
Deity: ...
History: ...
Blessing: Pluma Volatilis (Feather Winged)
Deity: ...
History: ...
Features: - Refined and delicate features, most people consider them beautiful. Though not as perfect as a full angel.
- Fragile bodies and naturally elegant composure.
- Always born with wings.
- Sometimes born with a halo. (Rare)
- Smaller wings and halos than full angels, but still large enough wings to fly.
- The human parents' genes are more dominant appearance-wise.
- Can be born blonde, red or brown hair and green or brown eyes. (Common)
- Can be born with red or brown hair and blue eyes. (Uncommon)
- Can be born with black hair and dark eyes. (Rare)
- They are never born with blonde hair and blue eyes at the same time.
- Youthful appearance. They age two times slower than humans.
- Still looks like an infant when is able to walk, which is why cherubs are associated with them.
Limbs: Total 4 | Arm (2), Leg (2).
Movement: Walking and flying.
Human (Enemies)
Demon (Enemies)
Half-Demon (Neutral)
Angel (Enemies)
Half-Angel (Allies)
Elf (Neutral)
Half-Elf (Neutral)
Goblin (Neutral)
Half-Goblin (Neutral)
Some traditionalists and religious folk believe that humans and angels were not meant to breed. In this belief, such a matrimony would surely be cursed due to displeasing the gods, as angels should be so pure as to never give into human lust. This sometimes causes hatred towards angel-human relationships as well as hatred for half-angels. It is believed commonly by civilians that if a human marries an angel, they will have an unhappy marriage and possible death or bad luck in their future. This is usually forewarned with omens.
Most benevolent full-angels, such as the gentler types, still care for half-angels. However, the more justice-based full-angels who do not see a human-angel relationship as right, will not see the half-angels as justified beings either; They won't strike or kill them without good reason, but they will not be seen as equals and possibly hate them as well as humans, if not more.
Demon (Enemies)
Half-Demon (Neutral)
Angel (Enemies)
Half-Angel (Allies)
Elf (Neutral)
Half-Elf (Neutral)
Goblin (Neutral)
Half-Goblin (Neutral)
Some traditionalists and religious folk believe that humans and angels were not meant to breed. In this belief, such a matrimony would surely be cursed due to displeasing the gods, as angels should be so pure as to never give into human lust. This sometimes causes hatred towards angel-human relationships as well as hatred for half-angels. It is believed commonly by civilians that if a human marries an angel, they will have an unhappy marriage and possible death or bad luck in their future. This is usually forewarned with omens.
Most benevolent full-angels, such as the gentler types, still care for half-angels. However, the more justice-based full-angels who do not see a human-angel relationship as right, will not see the half-angels as justified beings either; They won't strike or kill them without good reason, but they will not be seen as equals and possibly hate them as well as humans, if not more.
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