(Past) She was born in Remoriah as a noble, in a nice big house. Yet it was cozier and smaller than the mansions most nobles lived in. She heard tales about when her father lost his nobility and how he and her mother joined a group of mercenaries. How they were the ones responsible for a revolution, which lead them to marry; since his mother was a commoner and so, forbidden to marry her father, him being a noble and cross-class marriage was illegal at the time. For those reasons Rebecca greatly respects and enjoys her parents company, so she grew up in their happy little home. Never knowing they had once owned a castle or fought using magic, nor were able to transform into Demi-Gods to protect their world and it's dimensions...
It was safe to say, however, that her parents made the right choice in raising her simply. Had she known, she might've gotten into worse danger at a young age... So she spent most of her early childhood indoors, with her father. Her mother had ownership of a lot of market districts from cities near and far, so she was always doing business even when she was at home. On the other hand, her father had never worked much aside his writing and music, which were self-employed jobs. Plus he was always somewhat sickly and disliked being alone, so he found his daughter to be the perfect companion aside their family pets. This caused them to grow close and although her mother loved her very much as well, her father always enjoyed spoiling her.
(Present) Rebecca grew up into a fine young lady, though still a child at the age of eleven.. she preferred to play outside than indoors. Still, she knew her father needed her, so she stayed with him most of the time. Her mother would be around whenever there wasn't much business to be taken care of. Her job required a bit of traveling at times, usually during the week; then mostly calculating, lists and charts of stock and that sort of thing. Of course, she still found time to be with the family, even when the kitchen table was cluttered with her work papers.
Rebecca's daily life often included school, church, her chores, homework and studying, playing with their pets (her father and sometimes her mother, shared the responsibility of taking care of them), then looking after her father when he was ill and taking care of him when her mother was away. (Katrina would usually be the one to do it, so she taught Rebecca to, in her stead.) Any free time she had was usually playing outside when the weather was nice. With the boys and girls from their city. Common, noble or what have you; that didn't matter as long as they were having fun. On days with bad weather, or when she didn't feel like going out, she'd spend time with her parents or learning new hobbies like crafts or cooking.
One day when Rebecca was eleven years old, while she was still in school, she stumbled upon a secret... It had been a gloomy morning, but she was hoping sincerely it wouldn't rain or storm. It was an important day after all, it was her parents' ?th (undecided) anniversary. Plus recently, things had been hard for them. Her father had been very sick and her mother was having trouble with her job. Not much money had come in and they both knew that they couldn't afford presents. So instead they planned to go somewhere nice together after Katrina came home from work. Rebecca promised to watch the house for them, since she would have homework to do. That morning Rebecca got up early and fixed things up for them, all the while, the grey clouds began casting over the sun.
Soon her parents got up and were surprised by how nice everything looked. Rebecca even wanted to help make breakfast, but she couldn't have made it by herself.. so her mother helped. By noon Rebecca could see from outside the school house's window that the clouds were even darker. She started to worry. Always having relied on them to have such a nice life, even being born into nobility, she wanted them to have a good anniversary. It was the first anniversary they had had that she ever knew about or had been born to see, anyway. As Edward and Katrina were getting ready to go out, a light rain came.. then some thunder. Apparently a hail storm was well on it's way, as the weather in the paper stated. They hadn't told Rebecca about the forecast, because they hoped it was a mistake and they knew how hard she was trying to make it better for them. So they figured they could spend the day together and perhaps make homemade gifts of some sort. Rebecca, however, was furious. All of this time she had seen the trouble they went through, and yet all she could do was study in hopes of someday getting a good job.. If they didn't have money, then they barely had food, and then they didn't have medicine when her father needed it either.
On her way home, Rebecca was in a rotten mood. Even if she had an umbrella, she thought... "Where are mom and dad?", "Are they having a good time?", "What if they left the house already and got caught in the rain?", "They'll get sick if they went too far and things are already so rough right now..."; she didn't know what to do, so she started to run home. As she crossed the streets, running to avoid the carriages which were having trouble steering in the rain, she slipped on the wet cobblestone and fell. She scraped her knee and tore her stocking. She knew they wouldn't be happy to see that.. Meanwhile, she didn't realize her backpack had fallen off, leaving most of it's contents discarded and wet. Not to mention, a bratty kid ran by and snatched it, thinking it had food or something good in it.. Rebecca got up, disheartened, she almost felt like crying.. and continued the walk home. All the way she remembered those things, the fact she counted on her schooling to make things better and now... she didn't even have her homework.
When she had gotten half way home, the rain was fully pouring and the wind was blowing much harder. It blew so hard that her umbrella flew into an alleyway. Figuring she had nothing else to lose, she ran after it. Then she slid down a staircase, the kind that are built down below the street level.. and fell to her knees again. This time, ripping both knees. She was starting to get frustrated, out of all the dumb luck! So she went back up the stairs, just to see that her umbrella had landed in someone's yard... Huffy, she went after it. Then just as she had hoisted herself over the fence and got in, she heard the sound of a chain.. and a dog whimpering. She froze for a second, before spotting the umbrella. A big, nasty looking black dog looked up at her, and it was holding her umbrella like a chew toy! Though she figured he was held by a chain, it was obvious she needed to get by him in order to rescue her umbrella... Still, her father had bought it for her and there was no way she was letting it get trashed by some dog!
Upset, but still knowing the danger, she rushed at it to grab the umbrella. As the dog barked in response, she was able to pull the handle from it's mouth; but as she pulled back the dog jumped toward her. Her first instinct was to run, so she turned around. Just as she started to run off, she also realized, the chain she heard from before.. wasn't attached to anything... Rebecca spun around and the dog was directly behind her! Wasn't this great, not only were her parents having as bad a time as she was, but now their daughter might become mauled as well! She looked angry but a tear formed in her eye, "If only it hadn't rained today!!", she thought. Panicking, she made a sharp turn around the dog and ran behind the tree. That didn't seem to stop it though, as it could see the big umbrella sticking out from the side of the tree - it's previous chew toy. When she heard it coming after her again, she did the only thing she could think of and... climbed the tree. Generally it was hard, holding an umbrella and all, but she used her nimbleness and fear of being chewed to death, to scale it.
She used this chance to catch her breath. It had been a long way up and a frustrating day, which also had seemed longer just because of that! She sighed, looking out to the rainy, thundering skies.. at least now she was protected by the leaves; when she remembered - lightning hits objects the higher up they are. This included giant trees that happened to be in people's backyards... Rebecca gulped and looking down, and then, as if by instinct, with the strangest, most accurate timing - lightning struck. She cringed in fear of electrocution.. but suddenly felt energized, and.. her x (undecided) stung. "What.. is this?", she thought, looking down her x was glowing. A strange pattern had formed there, she had seen the scar before.. ever since she was born, but... it never glowed like this. Then, she heard the dog bark again and she looked down. Disoriented and off-guard, she got upset, "Lousy mutt..!", she thought. Just then a small bolt of lightening flickered off the ground in front of it, causing the dog to whimper and run off. "Did I make that happen?!", she thought. Shaking her head from the delusion, she counted herself lucky to not have died and carefully climbed down the tree.
As she looked off towards the kennel, she noticed the dog was hiding it's face with it's paws. She tilted her head in confusion, "What a funny dog..", she muttered. Looking down, she wondered what happened back in the tree; then remembered her parents. She worried if they were struck by lightning as well. "This.. this rain needs to stop. I was lucky!", she gasped, "If they're not so lucky, then... then, they might be..", she shook off the fear of the chance that might happen; and just as she did, she noticed her x glowing once again.. a funny feeling came over her, then the rain slowed to a stop. She looked up.. bemused, "..I.. I did that?", she paused, taking in the glowing, sensation and the changes, "I did that!!", she cheered. "Woohoo!!", she threw her arms up in the air, as the sun began shining more, casting the clouds away. However, her cheering was short lived by the dog's bark, which caused her to jump over the fence as quickly as possible! When she got home, all was well. They had never gone out and still managed to have a nice day so far. Rebecca was relieved, but then.. she had to explain her skinned knees, ripped stockings and the loss of her backpack. Surprisingly they took things well, minus the knees which called for band-aids.. - Then came the time when they had to explain her "scar".
Apparently both of her parents had used magic as well, like she now did. They each had scars, as well as many of their allies in the past. These were not scars, but "bearings". It proved they bore mana in their veins, the physical manifestation of the will to use magic. From that day on she had the power to control elements! Well, elements of the weather and terrain anyway. She researched this at school the next day and discovered it was called "Geomancy". Of course, the weather wasn't affected all around the world... just in small area, like a town or a city. Still, it was an amazing feat. She was sure losing her homework was nothing compared to this! That night her parents decided to spend their anniversary at home together, telling Rebecca all of the stories about their magical past and reminiscing about the journeys that lead them through it.
She wondered if one day, she would go on a journey too...

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