Dallas Redd (ダラス レッド)

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


First Name: 'Dallas' (ダラス) m.
[DAL liss
Language: Scottish, Gaelic, English.
[Meaning: Meadow dwelling ("From the dales, the valley meadows") / Meadow stance.]

Surname: 'Redd' (レッド)
Language: English
[Meaning: Red; reeds; cleared land.]

Title: None
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Race: HumanSubRace: NoneEthnicity:Civilian
Occupation: Bounty Hunter
Social Class: Middle Class Social Status: Outlaw
Marital Status: Single
Birthdate: 12/08/991Time: 8:30 PM Place: Trelona Civil
Hometown: Trelona
Theme Song: Forever Truth, Avenue (Battle).


Height: 5'9" ft. (1.76 m)
Weight: 000 lbs. (00 kg)
Build: Tall and Slender
Dominance: Right-handed
Skin Tone: Average
Natural Haircolor: Light Brown
Eye Color: Chestnut


Nicknames: Brother Redd (Akai Onii-san), Desert Rose (Sabaku no Bara).
Orientation: Bisexual
Religion: Needs names
Zodiac: Sagittarius (♐)
Bloodtype: O-

Likes: Festivals, Parties, Celebrations, Guns, Vehicles, Playing hero, Cute girls/guys, Being popular.
Being alone, Small spaces, Elderly People, Unattractive People.
Hobbies: Flirting, Browsing Magazines & Catalogs, Drinking, Gambling, Coin & Card Tricks.
Turn-Ons: Loyal
, Cute, Easily Flustered, Shy, Helpless, Naive, Innocent, Submissive, Lenient.
Erogenous Zone: Thighs.
Turn-Offs: Nagging, Homely, Assertive, Cautious, Paranoid, Pushy, Demanding, Picky, Prudish.

Favorite Colors: Sand, Beige, Green, Teal, Yellow, Orange.
Favorite Foods:
Corndog, Mango, Cherimoya, Mango Cocktail, Cherimoya Daiquiri, Takoyaki, Bocchan Dango, Tepannyaki Dango, Grilled foods, Foods that can be eaten on-the-go.
Least Favorite Foods:
Lemon, Spicy Curry, Onion, Vegetables, Mayonnaise, Mustard.
Favorite Animals: Dogs, Horses, Ferrets, Mongooses, Foxes, Deers, Bulls.
Favorite Seasons: Summer

Strengths: Heroism, Attention, Persuasive, Confident, Cunning, Carefree, Hard to intimidate or pressure, Crafty, Unyielding.
Weaknesses: Attractive and helpless people, Partying, Having fun, Easily distracted, Immature, Commitment.
Gerascophobia (Growing old).
Habits: Holding or scratching his chin, Whistling, Lazy, Perverted, Chasing men and women, Cutting in line, Drinking alcohol, Gambling, Getting into debt., Kissing and telling, Showing off, Reading dirty magazines, Making an entrance, Kicking open doors, Visiting unannounced.

Personality: (Needs Revamp) Very loose and easy going, but also likes to flirt. He only enjoys teasing people who are bothered by it; Whether they are offended or embarrassed.
But he's also bisexual, so he's not exactly a womanizer. He's attracted to anyone who's good looking and will even hit on people that he's not interested in; But only because he enjoys teasing and bothering people. Despite how laid back he seems, he's very energetic. He is always moving around and finding something to do, especially when left alone or in a small room. He and his sister tend to get competitive with gunsmanship, so he's always taking time to practice. Though when he's low on energy he likes taking naps, and sometimes if he's drunk.. in the worst places imaginable. He likes being around energetic crowds. Whether it's at a bar or a parade, he manages to get in a festive mood.

Keywords: Confident, Immature, Laid back, Cool Headed, Seductive, Crafty, Cocky, Immature, Perverted.

Readings: Birth Chart, Personality Readings, Karmic, Synastry.


Keywords: Relaxed.
Similar Voices: ...
Accents: Slight Rural Slang, Urban Slang.
Native Language: ...
Known Languages: ...
Quotes: "..."


Class: Gunner
SubClass: Rifleman
Type: Basher
Fighting Style: Multi-Ranged
Weapons: Firearms, Polearms.
Bearing: Terra of the Earth on the Body Part

Alterbeing: ...
Class: Undead Ghost Beast Avian Angel Demon
Rank: Common Elite Sacred

[Command List]
Attack: Name (Desc.)
Defend: Name (Desc.)
Skill: Name (Desc.)
Spell: Name (Desc.)
Item: Name (Desc.)
Escape: Name (Desc.)
Alter: Name (Tap: ... / Desc.)

Stat Growth: (Numbered from 1-10%, 5 being average.)
HP:00 SP:00 MP:00
ATK:00 DEF:00
INT:00 MDEF:00
00 DEX:00
00 EVA:00

Affinities: (Numbered from 1-10%, 5 being average.)
Fire:00 • Water:00
00 • Wind:00
00 • Dark:00
00 • Psyche:00
00 • Mana:00
00 • Wood:00
00 • Sound:00


Alignment: Good Neutral Chaotic
Storyline: (Past) He and his sister were once well-known in their hometown for being it's protectors after the last sheriff died. But they were deceived by a group of bandits who learned about their job. These bandits wanted to rid Trelona of it's protectors, so they could steal from it. The bandits dressed as townspeople and confused them into attacking some innocents; The bandits got away and Dallas and Rubi were outlawed in their place. They are both in hiding, but still fighting to keep their hometown safe. Whether it be from bandits or from corrupted city officials trying to take it over.


Tutors: Firstname Lastname (Studies)
Parents: Unnamed Redd (Father), Unnamed Redd (Mother)
Siblings: Rubi Redd (Sister)
Other Family Members: Firstname Lastname (Relation)
Friends: Firstname Lastname (Relationship)
Romance Interests: Firstname Lastname (Relation)
Pets: Charolette (Dog/Gold Retriever)

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