Pronounciation: [Name] Language: Name
[Meaning: ...]
Surname: 'Name' (Kanji)
Pronounciation: [Name] Language: Name
[Meaning: ...]
Title: None
Gender: Male
Age: 00
Race: Merman (Betta) / Sub Race: Civilian • Treserian • Setyrian • Arcadian
Occupation: Artist
Social Class: Commoner
Marital Status: Single
Birthdate: Day/Month/Year
Time of Birth: AM • PM / Place of Birth: Location • Region
Hometown: Remoriah City
Orientation: Heterosexual
Religion: Needs names
Zodiac: Aries • Taurus • Gemini • Cancer • Leo • Virgo • Libra
Scorpio • Sagittarius • Capricorn • Aquarius • Pisces
Bloodtype: A+/- • B+/- • O+/- • AB+/-
Likes: ...
Dislikes: ...
Hobbies: ...
Turn-Ons: ...
Turn-Offs: ...
Favorite Colors: Green Purple Aqua Blue Teal.
Favorite Foods: ...
Least Favorite Foods: ...
Favorite Animals: ...
Favorite Seasons: ...
Phobias: ...
Habits: ...
Personality: A bright and bemused man with a keen eye for detail. His hobby is painting, which he has transformed into a lifelong career. He's a free spirit who wishes he was as free to roam as he is to swim. Yet he can't travel the land and sky, so he's constantly seeking inspiration. He's very optimistic and doesn't allow his emotions to damage his work. It's a fact, he says, that "An artist's emotions have a deep impact on how and what he creates."; Should he let himself get too brought down, his art too would suffer. Losing quality, or perhaps rendering much less joyful images.. that might only sadden the world. He's happy when helping and bringing cheer to others but he doesn't like to ask for help, though there's no way he can do without it.
Keywords: Optimistic, Unemotional, Altruistic, Generous, Curious, Easily amused, Practical, Brilliant.
Keywords: Calm, .Similar Voices: ...
Accents: ...
Native Language: ...
Known Languages: ...
Quotes: "..."
Height: 0'0" ft. (0.00 m)Weight: 000 lbs. (00 kg)
Build: Petite • Thin • Slender • Ordinary • Solid • Light Muscle • Muscle • Heavy Muscle • Curvy
Dominance: Right-handed • Left-handed • Ambidexterous
Skin Tone: Average / Fair (#HexCode)
Hair Color: Black (#HexCode) | Natural Haircolor: ... (#HexCode)
Eye Color: Rich Electric Blue (#0892D0)
Role: MinorAlignment: Good
Storyline: (Past) At a young age he was a vivid dreamer with a clear, photographic memory.
He would draw in the sand of the ocean floor with sticks, or with his tail fin and he could describe and remember any image he saw perfectly. Yet he wished there was a way that he could use his artistic mindset for something that everyone else could see, not just himself; Something that didn't wash away, something that lasted...
So he decided to try drawing something above the water. He took a squid's ink and a pointy shell and began drawing against a flat rock near the shore. It wasn't as easy as he had thought it would be, but it gave him a great idea... He had always wondered what Terra looked like, above the ocean. Now that he could nearly see, he wanted to show the people of Terra what they were missing under the ocean. By the time he was done a young ??? came to see. The boy was enthusiastic and told him that he could be an artist. This interested the young merman, who knew little of what the job of an artist was.
He spent further days practicing his Terran artistry, while conversing with the boy who had been the first human to see his art. Eventually the boy told him about his life in the Terran city of Remoriah; They ended up with an agreement that helped them both (U/C)
Tutors: Firstname Lastname (Studies)Parents: Firstname Lastname (Relation)
Siblings: Firstname Lastname (Relation)
Other Family Members: Firstname Lastname (Relation)
Friends: Firstname Lastname (Relationship)
Romance Interests: Firstname Lastname (Relation)
Pets: Firstname Lastname (Species)