Note: This OC was created for the RP group on Deviantart, Clockhearts.
Any reference to terms used there will be in brackets ((like these)).
You will notice that outside of the brackets, he is described differently.
This is because he is also being used in my series Aeter Euum, in the world of Aeternus; though he also exists in Clockhearts' Wonderland, I know the group will not exist forever. I'm no longer a part of the group, sadlyl
Any reference to terms used there will be in brackets ((like these)).
You will notice that outside of the brackets, he is described differently.
This is because he is also being used in my series Aeter Euum, in the world of Aeternus; though he also exists in Clockhearts' Wonderland, I know the group will not exist forever. I'm no longer a part of the group, sadlyl
Pronounciation: [SAY-Lim] Language: Arabic
[Meaning: Safe; to be safe.]
Surname: 'Santriel' (サンツリエル)
Pronounciation: [San-trEE-el] Language: Unknown
[Meaning: God is my Guardsman.]
Title: Sir, Mister, Master, Young Master.
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Race: Human • Ethnicity: Aristonian
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Occupation: Jeweler
Social Class: Upper Class • Social Status: Noble
Marital Status: Single
Birthdate: 12/26/1518 • Time: 5:09 AM • Place: Remoriah
Hometown: Remoriah
Theme Song: Pending~ / Related Playlist • Couple Playlist

Height: 5'6" ft. (171 cm)Weight: 132 lbs. (60 kg)
Build: Ordinary, but a bit long legged with feminine hips.
Dominance: Left-handed
Skin Tone: Fair
Hair Color: Icy Purple
Eye Color: Gold
Orientation: Heterosexual
Religion: Unknown.
Zodiac: Capricorn
Bloodtype: Unknown
Likes: Himself, beauty, comforts, food, valuables (money, self worth, rarities, quality), the scent of fresh money, sparkles, jewels, metals, glass, jingles, windchimes, bells, music boxes, coins, interior and fashion design, fashion, flowers (among his favorites are mostly blue and white variations, orchids and roses), snow, coldness, shade, alone time (occasionally).
Dislikes: Ugliness, romance (has jaded and hard feelings towards the idea; disincluding impersonal romanticism, as long as it has nothing to do with him), thieves (including fake beggars), accusations, noisiness (especially loud noises), wasting money, heat, bright sunlight, sweating.
Hobbies: Jewelry craft, appraisal (metals, gems, ores, and uncut), cooking, mining (minor skill, self taught), business, money management, shopkeeping, shopping, leisure, mingling (socializing and parties), interior and fashion design.
Turn-Ons: Generosity, trustworthiness, loyalty, sensibility, gratefulness, endurance, slyness, cleverness, patience, hardworking (at least, as much as he is), good cook (it's just a plus), good with money.
Turn-Offs: Gold diggers, impatience, dependency, hopeless romantics, liars, cheating, alcoholism and other addictions.
Favorite Colors: Bright colors, pastels, rich colors, silver, pink, hot pink, light pink, white, sky blue, powder blue, alice blue, royal purple, sapphire, ruby, emerald.
Favorite Foods: Raspberries, raspberry tea, raspberry smoothie, fruit smoothies, honey, breakfast foods, honey toast, honey, pancakes, french toast, most teas and wines (red wines over white wines), exotic dishes and dishes with a variety of ingredients, casseroles, European bread, olives, pastas with white wine sauce, soft shell tacos, chalupas, soufflés with liqueur and/or raspberry sauce, Saint Honoré cake, black liccorice and jellybeans.
Least Favorite Foods: Rice (mostly white rice), .
Favorite Animals: Butterflies, horses, dogs.
Favorite Seasons: Spring
Phobias: None.
Habits: Swearing, bouts of rage, ignoring things (especially love and romance), cracking easily under pressure, bluffing (not lying), gets standoffish when bored or dislikes something, easily bored, amused or distracted (especially distracted by beautiful things), big talker, bad listener, obsessing with himself, scheming and plotting (to make money or get ahead; wouldn't do anything illegal if he couldn't get away with it or didn't morally believe it was okay for any reason), being a shut-in (prefers his home over most places), eating too much, working too hard (even if he enjoys leisure, once he gets started he often pushes himself; which balances out his eating habits), using people like pawns (while staying on their good sides, not seeing them as dispensable).
Personality: ...
Keywords: Posh, Friendly, Narcissistic, Theatrical, Money Hungry (not enough to steal), Strong Willed, Presumptuous, Rash, Prideful, Ego-maniacal.
Readings: Astrology Birthchart.
Keywords: None.Similar Voices: None.
Accents: None.
Speech: Proper, at times Flowery, swears.
Native Language: Civilian.
Known Languages: Civilian.
• Neutral: "Be a dear." (when asking someone to do something.).
"Work is a pretty great outlet for stress... actually.", "Oh, well then I was mistaken.",
"Worrying isn't something I'd waste my precious heart on.", "If you'll excuse me."
"Diamonds might look likeglass, but I assure you, they don't break like that sweetie."
• Happy: "@#$%! That's gorgeous.", "You're such a doll!" (or any of the common words).
• Sad: "How good of you..." (sarcasm/could also be Angry).
"How can I look so good, yet feel so bad? It's a tragedy, but it's not a total loss..."
• Angry: "@#%* you!! Oh I'm sorry, how terribly rude of me.."
"Don't @#%$ with me when I first wake up.", "Get used to hearing my @#%$ing name already!!"
"Oh yes? Is that right?? WELL THERE!", "Poor baby!", "Oh, poor baby...", "My mistake!" (sarcasm)
"I'm sick of looking at this right now." (can also refer to a person, 'you', 'them/her/him')
"Oh how cute! He thinks that makes him more of a man than me!" (in a happy sarcastic way)
"I'm sorry. Were you trying to pick a fight with me? Well it isn't going to end well...",
"Are you trying to seduce me? Well it isn't going to work, Princess. Not unless that bustle has a million Lucre shoved up it."
"KILL YOU? Why would I want to do that? If I wanted to kill you, I would have done it five minutes ago."
• Scared: "...".
• Common Words, Prefixes & Suffixes: "Honey", "Sweetie", "Sweetheart", "Dear", "Darling", "Doll".
Class: WarriorSubClass: Guardsman
Type: Basher
Fighting Style: Melee
Weapons: Shields.
[Command List]
Attack: Bash
"Melee attack with a shield"
Requires an equipped shield. Effects depend on weapon.
Any other weapons equipped will exchange Bash command with regular Attack.
Defend: Guard
"Defend, using a shield with all of your might."
Formula: User's DEF > Enemy's ATK. If the User's DEF is greater, then the damage is nullified completely.
Requires an equipped shield. Effects depend on shield.
Two-handed weapons other than shields, or unequipping the shield will exchange the command with regular Defend (halves damage).
Skill: Guardsmanship
"Swift, charging and weaving melee techniques with a shield."
Requires SP. Amount depends on Skill.
Spell: ?
"Casts Mineral (earth+dark) magic."
Requires MP.
Item: Item
"Uses an item from the inventory."
Escape: ?
Stat Growth: (Numbered from 1-10%, 5 being average.)
HP:06 • SP:05 • MP:03
ATK:06 • DEF:04
INT:07 • MDEF:08
AGI:06 • DEX:09
CHA:10 • EVA:04
Affinities: (Numbered from 1-10%, 5 being average.)
Fire:02 • Water:02
Earth:05 • Wind:02
Light:03 • Dark:05
Physic:03 • Psyche:01
Blood:01 • Mana:01
Metal:05 • Wood:02
Sight:01 • Sound:01
(Past) Childhood (Age: 1-12)Salem was born into a noble family of artisans, the Santriels. They are famous for producing high quality jewelry, among other products in Remoriah ((the Heart faction)). His father is the head of their company, so Salem was forced to spend most of his childhood training, to take the future position. Being raised by mainly his mother and his younger sister, as well as excelling in jewelry craft, Salem became quite a feminine boy. Their father was often too busy to see them, so Salem and his sister would spend their time crafting things for fun. Oftentimes competitive, but with good sportsmanship. However, Salem was the more talented and willing of the two, and fast became the family's favorite. His sister got restless, wanting to do whatever she pleased. Since her lesser talent went unnoticed, she became somewhat of a black sheep.
As they grew older this caused his sister to have to work twice as hard, becoming more frustrated with work and family life. While Salem felt he had it easy, as if everything came to him generally when he wanted it... at times, it made him feel bad for his sister. Eventually she took it to heart, feeling patronized that he even gave her sympathy. It soon felt that their family was more on Salem's side than her's. On the other hand, Salem had had a very easy going and happy childhood because of this. Still, he felt no guilt for having the family's favor. He did what he was told and in return he earned their approval and his self worth. So he simply gave into honoring their wishes, no matter what.
Adolescence (Age: 13-17)
The Santriel siblings' relationship grew bitter over the years. They soon came to be opposites, much like night and day. Salem, being the people pleaser and his sister, the self serving one. It had probably been misunderstandings due to their immaturity, or the pressure and stress they had endured which caused such a change of heart in the two. Their competitiveness easily evolved into a rivalry of sorts; as they knew that one day... one of them would be taking over the family business. They now took what their childhood selves had thought of as a game, to a whole other level.
Still, at this time in his life, Salem should have been discovering girls; or at least going on an occasional date. However, his family's expectations always seemed to outweigh that, and due to the stress of focusing on his career and reputation, he had to make excuses not to. He soon lost all interest in the idea, at the thought of the compromise of having a relationship; as well as the many heartbreaks and disappointments that occurred in any attempt to. At first he had simply dismissed the idea of love, but then he began to completely reject it. There were just too many broken promises, dates left waiting or missed and not enough time. Plus, having been highly expected of, loved and supported by his family all his life, Salem now preferred not only to be independent, but to idealize and embellish that independence.
However, he thought that had changed when he met a young noblewoman by the name of Alyssa. She seemed a sweet and patient girl. She would stand around and wait on him, even in the rain with her parasol. When he was late, she would show up looking for him and not mind it in the least when he was busy. When she was introduced to his family, they were already quite taken by her. So much so, that they allowed them permission to be married. Salem would work extra hard and spend as much time with her as possible. Due to his status, he felt proud that he was able to support their happy relationship at such a young age. So he would spend money on her, taking her out and buying her drinks at the pub to talk during his break. They'd stay at the local inns and hotels on weekends or go sightseeing and he'd treat her to gifts of flowers, perfume and anything a Civilian girl would want, really...
Then the day before their wedding came. It was a beautiful sunny day in Spring. The sky was blue and the wind was lightly blowing, causing a colorful array of petals across the cobblestone. Salem was excited to be engaged to, who he thought to be the most wonderful woman in the world. Being responsible, he took the matter of attending to all of the wedding details personally. From the food to the attire, decor and guests, etc. Though he thought it was rather odd that she hadn't show up for her gown fitting, he assumed she was just bashful or nervous about it and even thought it was cute. However... that was not the case. A few hours later he sent for her to come meet him outside the chapel. Then he found himself waiting for her there with a ring and a bouquet for a very long time. Soon a friend of the family came looking for him to tell him that they still couldn't find her and she wouldn't be able to meet him afterall. The wedding ended before it had even begun and Salem went home disappointed and confused. Of course he was worried about her, but that all changed when news came that she had skipped town and run off with all of his money. Everything he hadn't already spent from his savings on the wedding, that is...
From that moment on, the thought of a relationship disgusted Salem. It was purely a waste of time and money. His family were the only real ones who cared for him and always supported him by lending him money or allowing him to make it; not take it all and leave him without feeling anything. Apparently Alyssa had only been a gold digger and wasn't as interested in Salem as he had been in her. His whole world was turned upside down. He became pretty self obsessed after that, preferring to treat himself over going on dates. Needless to say getting to eat whatever he wanted or going on shopping sprees every day, couldn't exactly fill the void in his heart... so he was still quite bitter towards most women. During this time he took a few side jobs in business, such as managing restaurants and banking, etc. and spent all of the money on himself when he wasn't saving it. In fact, he started to love money just as much as he loved himself. It seemed to be the only thing that made him happy and he hated to see it go wasted.
Adulthood (Age: 18)
Then when both siblings were considered to be adults by age, they were to be given a test of will. The Santriels weren't the best at what they did for nothing! By now they were expected to be well learned in their craft, whatever it may be; and just as ((Wonderland's rules were set by it's most powerful faction)) Remoriah's class system was upheld by it's Duke, their family and company production would be decided by it's head. That is, if they could prove that they could handle the choice they made.
In order to make this life-changing decision, they would be put on trial to see who could last the longest at their craft, in it's natural state. Without any help from family, friends or outsiders. Only once they had survived long enough to realize it was their chosen profession, without a doubt; then, like any ((citizen of Wonderland, they would stop aging.)) experienced artisan, they would be able to bring the wealth back to show for it. (A certain amount and time limit was set, depending on how the economy was doing). So whoever was able to conduct their craft with precision and a willful heart to yield the most profit and return home with it in time, would be the victor. The Santriels had done this for years, but the trial's length depended only on how long it took for them to find their true role. Some Santriels would become heir to the company within just a few years, sometimes even co-ownerships were founded when it occurred at the same time.
Of course, this time around most of the family bet Salem would win and his younger sister would lose. So the pressure was on... well, both of the siblings. The rewards would be to inherit their father's position when he passed away, obtain funding from the family to support their production, and claim ownership of the Santriel; their family's prized heirloom. It was said to be a shield made purely of diamond. Nothing could destroy it. Having been used in wars of the past, it was said to be the reason why their family had grown so large and prosperous over the years. It was rumored to be thousands and thousands of years old and was mentioned in many old legends and war stories.
Upon hearing this, Salem became curious; and so, on the morning before the trial, he got through the security and went into the back room. Having worked with diamonds most of his life, he had to see if the rumors were true! Not only was a shield made purely of diamonds impressive, but all of the stories that were told about it made it sound nearly impossible. IF such a shield existed, it would surely be a valuable piece of work! Salem examined it carefully, he knew the only other gem that could scratch a real diamond, was another diamond... So he decided to test it's durability. Afterall, it was said to be "unbreakable". However, just as he was about to try - his sister swung open the door! As the door slammed against the wall, the shield hit the floor and broke into many pieces..!
Prologue Climax (Age: 19-21)
From that day on Salem would wake up early, go to the mines and dig up ores. Carry them out, cut, polish and fashion them into jewelry to sell for a living. Within months Salem knew his father would return home and well... his mother would return sooner than that! He could not risk going back, so he had no choice but to leave home, in hopes of finding a blacksmith good enough to replicate the Santriel. Of course, in the meantime he would be on trial, but any spare time he had would be spent searching. This became extremely exhausting, especially for a nobleman who had rarely worked hard in his life, other than simple crafts. Still, Salem had decided he would not return home until the Santriel was restored; otherwise, he would be risking not only his reputation, but his future as well. Now he just needed to work hard enough to earn the money he needed to buy enough materials and hire a blacksmith to create it. It was hard to do from memory and a few old photos and illustrations, but he made some rough drafts of what he liked to call the Santriel II.; a remake of the original shield, but this time made of real diamond. He even adjusted a few minor technicalities, considering he never really knew it's actual make up; but he tried to give it more of an advantage while retaining it's shape.
This took him about 3 years. Still, even under the most meager of living conditions, he made it hard to tell that he'd been roughing it in caverns and forests, instead of living at home in his cozy chateau... Carrying off old, worn and tossed out (yet tasteful) furnishings in the middle of the night so no one would see him, and bringing them back to his campsite; he would make himself feel at home, even if some refurbishing and renovating was involved. Luckily Salem was a natural at money-making, and was able to use his strong will and pride in order to salvage the required profits. Both ecstatic and relieved, he went to the next step: to search for a blacksmith! For his family and himself, it was always the best of the best, so he decided to inquire for only the most skilled of smiths; no matter their age, race, faction or what have you. Living off part of his earnings, he started making visits to every blacksmith he had heard of and comparing their skills to his best ability.
In the end, his search stopped when he heard of a blacksmith named Shesta who was only just starting out. He was surprised to hear that he was any good, as well as the fact that he'd already been doing business with his family for sometime now. A brand new blacksmith with an eye for embellishing gems into his weapons seemed somewhat promising. Though when Salem got to the address ((in the Diamond faction)), he hesitated to enter... thinking the shop was much too small, with lack of decoration and the bustle of customers, not apparent either. Losing his pride momentarily, Salem had no choice but to go in and meet with Shesta. Needless to say he was impressed. It seemed this man had talent in making metals more malleable; but whether he could do that or not with a gem, and a diamond at that, was uncertain at first. It took about 3 months of work, but Shesta was able to complete it... the Santriel II. Now all Salem had to do was finish the payment and maybe test it out, before returning home. He wondered what would await him there, having been gone for an estimate of 3 years and months; he only hoped that his sister hadn't completed her trial before him. It seemed possible with the time that had passed; but of course, ((we're talking about Wonderland, so for all he knew it may have been less than it felt!)) the economy was booming and the stakes were high, so it would still be a long time before either of them would be done with the trial.
(Present) Prologue Epilogue (Age: 22)
To Salem's delight, his sister had not completed the trial; nor had anyone bothered with the storage room. When he'd asked his mother, she simply told him that his sister had gone off to start her trial and she hadn't seen either of them for so long. She was starting to get worried, but she was sure they'd pull through. He also asked if the shield was still "in place", trying to word his question so that it wasn't suspicious; as if just "checking in" on his possible future reward. It worked, as his mother would never expect the family favorite to be anything less than honest. His mother happily replied, that no one had gone into the back room, since the trial was a serious tradition in which the rewards could not be tampered with until the victor emerged. It was something that their father had decided; also something that Salem was very grateful for, at this point... Kindly faring well to his mother, Salem slipped into the back room again. It was a wonder that his sister had only been bluffing. She even left the door closed, without it's lock. Quickly tidying the room up with a broom from a nearby closet, he got rid of the shards from the old shield and found just enough time to replace it with the new replica. Wiping his brow, he turned to see his sister.
What a sight and what a timing! Salem wasn't happy about this. He was caught at the scene of the crime; but then she made the statement that she knew she'd find him here, and continued with the fact that he was lucky she'd been too preoccupied with her trial to stop for trivial tattling. Before Salem could respond, she gave a loud call out to their mother. Salem instinctively faced her, covering the shield with his arms behind him. When his mother entered the room, she immediately asked what either of them were doing here. He now figured, they may as well forfeit the trial, before any worse punishment ensued. However, that was not the case, his mother beamed proudly, that they must have both completed their trials and came home to accept their reward! After all, how could she tell if they had ((stopped aging in an instant?)) gained enough profits, if they were still in their pockets? Salem's sister was confused, but before she could make a remark about how they hadn't finished their trials, Salem quickly pretended to congratulate her on finishing the trial. He went on, loudly, about how proud their father would be if he could see them now; making sure he gave her no momentum, by smothering her. Enthusiastically grabbing her by the shoulders, followed by patting her on the head and back, among other awkward displays of approval... their mother was instantly gratified at the sight. She then asked both of them, what craft they had decided on together... Together; this was not something the Santriel siblings did. In fact, they did nothing together. Not since many years ago. As they turned to face one another, Salem realized he had no excuse for this... and his sister, looked pretty angry.
With no way out of the charade, they both declared their desired role to each other's faces: "Jeweler" and "Seamstress!". Looking disappointed, their mother admitted, she was confused. She wished they could have just said fashion... but the two were different crafts, requiring different materials and methods, even if for the same purpose. Now that they'd admitted their best and long awaited roles, ((they both stopped aging.)) they handed over their profits to be withheld in the family account. However, a co-ownership could not be settled. Even when their father returned, the idea of a boutique or any form of combined efforts were turned down. At this point, their father stated, there could only be one head of family; unless the two worked together for the same goal. Sure their family had in it, artisans of various crafts, but the head of the company, as well as any co-owners, could not choose more than one role. It would decide their major industry. Both of the siblings argued over who would be the head, for a very long time. Then, being fed up with all the confusion and lies from her brother, Salem's sister claimed she would do better than him even if she wasn't part of the family business! After all, what were titles or privileges given to you, by those who never believed in you in the first place? With that, she stated she would leave Remoriah ((the Heart faction)) and start her own life. From now on, she would be on her own ((belong to Diamond faction)), where she could live out her dream of being a fashion designer without her family's rules and discouragement. ((Apparently she'd visited there during her trial and she rather took a liking to it.. It was free, something she would never be if she continued to be part of this family))
Everything after that seemed to pass as quickly as a blur. Salem remembered being accepted as his father's heir, being given many papers and the whole family rejoicing; even if some were sorrowed by his sibling's leave, many of them were too proud of their family to respect her anymore. He was given the shield, though, he honestly felt he deserved it. He was also given a decently sized building, in his name. It included a small shop front, a work room in the back and a few rooms for living in. He'd also received a crew of workers who would supply him with materials and handle the hard work, such as mining, or moving shipments into the shop's work room, as well as delivering jewelry to customers. Salem felt, he now pretty much had his life under control. ((Though... when you're a citizen of Wonderland, the controls may shift at any given time!)) Little did he know what would await him next...
(Future) Unknown...
Tutors: Unknown.
Parents: ? Santriel (Father), ? Santriel (Mother).
Siblings: ? Santriel (Sister).
Other Family Members: Unknown.
Friends: Shesta Reinwinds.
Romance Interests: Alyssa ? (Divorced), Elise ? (Future Wife).
Pets: None.
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