(Past) She was born in Remoriah as a noble, in a nice big house. Yet it was cozier and smaller than the mansions most nobles lived in. She heard tales about when her father lost his nobility and how he and her mother joined a group of mercenaries. How they were the ones responsible for a revolution, which lead them to marry; since his mother was a commoner and so, forbidden to marry her father, him being a noble and cross-class marriage was illegal at the time. For those reasons Rebecca greatly respects and enjoys her parents company, so she grew up in their happy little home. Never knowing they had once owned a castle or fought using magic, nor were able to transform into Demi-Gods to protect their world and it's dimensions...
It was safe to say, however, that her parents made the right choice in raising her simply. Had she known, she might've gotten into worse danger at a young age... So she spent most of her early childhood indoors, with her father. Her mother had ownership of a lot of market districts from cities near and far, so she was always doing business even when she was at home. On the other hand, her father had never worked much aside his writing and music, which were self-employed jobs. Plus he was always somewhat sickly and disliked being alone, so he found his daughter to be the perfect companion aside their family pets. This caused them to grow close and although her mother loved her very much as well, her father always enjoyed spoiling her.
(Present) Rebecca grew up into a fine young lady, though still a child at the age of eleven.. she preferred to play outside than indoors. Still, she knew her father needed her, so she stayed with him most of the time. Her mother would be around whenever there wasn't much business to be taken care of. Her job required a bit of traveling at times, usually during the week; then mostly calculating, lists and charts of stock and that sort of thing. Of course, she still found time to be with the family, even when the kitchen table was cluttered with her work papers.
Rebecca's daily life often included school, church, her chores, homework and studying, playing with their pets (her father and sometimes her mother, shared the responsibility of taking care of them), then looking after her father when he was ill and taking care of him when her mother was away. (Katrina would usually be the one to do it, so she taught Rebecca to, in her stead.) Any free time she had was usually playing outside when the weather was nice. With the boys and girls from their city. Common, noble or what have you; that didn't matter as long as they were having fun. On days with bad weather, or when she didn't feel like going out, she'd spend time with her parents or learning new hobbies like crafts or cooking.
One day when Rebecca was eleven years old, while she was still in school, she stumbled upon a secret... It had been a gloomy morning, but she was hoping sincerely it wouldn't rain or storm. It was an important day after all, it was her parents' ?th (undecided) anniversary. Plus recently, things had been hard for them. Her father had been very sick and her mother was having trouble with her job. Not much money had come in and they both knew that they couldn't afford presents. So instead they planned to go somewhere nice together after Katrina came home from work. Rebecca promised to watch the house for them, since she would have homework to do. That morning Rebecca got up early and fixed things up for them, all the while, the grey clouds began casting over the sun.
Soon her parents got up and were surprised by how nice everything looked. Rebecca even wanted to help make breakfast, but she couldn't have made it by herself.. so her mother helped. By noon Rebecca could see from outside the school house's window that the clouds were even darker. She started to worry. Always having relied on them to have such a nice life, even being born into nobility, she wanted them to have a good anniversary. It was the first anniversary they had had that she ever knew about or had been born to see, anyway. As Edward and Katrina were getting ready to go out, a light rain came.. then some thunder. Apparently a hail storm was well on it's way, as the weather in the paper stated. They hadn't told Rebecca about the forecast, because they hoped it was a mistake and they knew how hard she was trying to make it better for them. So they figured they could spend the day together and perhaps make homemade gifts of some sort. Rebecca, however, was furious. All of this time she had seen the trouble they went through, and yet all she could do was study in hopes of someday getting a good job.. If they didn't have money, then they barely had food, and then they didn't have medicine when her father needed it either.
On her way home, Rebecca was in a rotten mood. Even if she had an umbrella, she thought... "Where are mom and dad?", "Are they having a good time?", "What if they left the house already and got caught in the rain?", "They'll get sick if they went too far and things are already so rough right now..."; she didn't know what to do, so she started to run home. As she crossed the streets, running to avoid the carriages which were having trouble steering in the rain, she slipped on the wet cobblestone and fell. She scraped her knee and tore her stocking. She knew they wouldn't be happy to see that.. Meanwhile, she didn't realize her backpack had fallen off, leaving most of it's contents discarded and wet. Not to mention, a bratty kid ran by and snatched it, thinking it had food or something good in it.. Rebecca got up, disheartened, she almost felt like crying.. and continued the walk home. All the way she remembered those things, the fact she counted on her schooling to make things better and now... she didn't even have her homework.
When she had gotten half way home, the rain was fully pouring and the wind was blowing much harder. It blew so hard that her umbrella flew into an alleyway. Figuring she had nothing else to lose, she ran after it. Then she slid down a staircase, the kind that are built down below the street level.. and fell to her knees again. This time, ripping both knees. She was starting to get frustrated, out of all the dumb luck! So she went back up the stairs, just to see that her umbrella had landed in someone's yard... Huffy, she went after it. Then just as she had hoisted herself over the fence and got in, she heard the sound of a chain.. and a dog whimpering. She froze for a second, before spotting the umbrella. A big, nasty looking black dog looked up at her, and it was holding her umbrella like a chew toy! Though she figured he was held by a chain, it was obvious she needed to get by him in order to rescue her umbrella... Still, her father had bought it for her and there was no way she was letting it get trashed by some dog!
Upset, but still knowing the danger, she rushed at it to grab the umbrella. As the dog barked in response, she was able to pull the handle from it's mouth; but as she pulled back the dog jumped toward her. Her first instinct was to run, so she turned around. Just as she started to run off, she also realized, the chain she heard from before.. wasn't attached to anything... Rebecca spun around and the dog was directly behind her! Wasn't this great, not only were her parents having as bad a time as she was, but now their daughter might become mauled as well! She looked angry but a tear formed in her eye, "If only it hadn't rained today!!", she thought. Panicking, she made a sharp turn around the dog and ran behind the tree. That didn't seem to stop it though, as it could see the big umbrella sticking out from the side of the tree - it's previous chew toy. When she heard it coming after her again, she did the only thing she could think of and... climbed the tree. Generally it was hard, holding an umbrella and all, but she used her nimbleness and fear of being chewed to death, to scale it.
She used this chance to catch her breath. It had been a long way up and a frustrating day, which also had seemed longer just because of that! She sighed, looking out to the rainy, thundering skies.. at least now she was protected by the leaves; when she remembered - lightning hits objects the higher up they are. This included giant trees that happened to be in people's backyards... Rebecca gulped and looking down, and then, as if by instinct, with the strangest, most accurate timing - lightning struck. She cringed in fear of electrocution.. but suddenly felt energized, and.. her x (undecided) stung. "What.. is this?", she thought, looking down her x was glowing. A strange pattern had formed there, she had seen the scar before.. ever since she was born, but... it never glowed like this. Then, she heard the dog bark again and she looked down. Disoriented and off-guard, she got upset, "Lousy mutt..!", she thought. Just then a small bolt of lightening flickered off the ground in front of it, causing the dog to whimper and run off. "Did I make that happen?!", she thought. Shaking her head from the delusion, she counted herself lucky to not have died and carefully climbed down the tree.
As she looked off towards the kennel, she noticed the dog was hiding it's face with it's paws. She tilted her head in confusion, "What a funny dog..", she muttered. Looking down, she wondered what happened back in the tree; then remembered her parents. She worried if they were struck by lightning as well. "This.. this rain needs to stop. I was lucky!", she gasped, "If they're not so lucky, then... then, they might be..", she shook off the fear of the chance that might happen; and just as she did, she noticed her x glowing once again.. a funny feeling came over her, then the rain slowed to a stop. She looked up.. bemused, "..I.. I did that?", she paused, taking in the glowing, sensation and the changes, "I did that!!", she cheered. "Woohoo!!", she threw her arms up in the air, as the sun began shining more, casting the clouds away. However, her cheering was short lived by the dog's bark, which caused her to jump over the fence as quickly as possible! When she got home, all was well. They had never gone out and still managed to have a nice day so far. Rebecca was relieved, but then.. she had to explain her skinned knees, ripped stockings and the loss of her backpack. Surprisingly they took things well, minus the knees which called for band-aids.. - Then came the time when they had to explain her "scar".
Apparently both of her parents had used magic as well, like she now did. They each had scars, as well as many of their allies in the past. These were not scars, but "bearings". It proved they bore mana in their veins, the physical manifestation of the will to use magic. From that day on she had the power to control elements! Well, elements of the weather and terrain anyway. She researched this at school the next day and discovered it was called "Geomancy". Of course, the weather wasn't affected all around the world... just in small area, like a town or a city. Still, it was an amazing feat. She was sure losing her homework was nothing compared to this! That night her parents decided to spend their anniversary at home together, telling Rebecca all of the stories about their magical past and reminiscing about the journeys that lead them through it.
She wondered if one day, she would go on a journey too...

Rebecca Langley (ラベッカ ラングレイ)
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Inscribed by Edward Blankenship at 7:47 PM- GENERAL DATA -
Pronounciation: [ra-BEK-ah] Language: Hebrew.
[Meaning: Connection; to bind, tie, couple or join; to secure.]
Surname: 'Langley' (ラングレイ)
Pronounciation: [LANG lee] Language: Old English / Norse.
[Meaning: Long meadow; long wood; clearing / Long life.]
Title: Miss, Lady, Young Lady, (formally)
Young Mistress, Mistress (by servants).
Gender: Female
Age: 11
Race: Human
Ethnicity: Civilian
Occupation: Student
Social Class: High Class • Social Status: Noble (by birth)
Marital Status: Single
Birthdate: 07/18/1542 • Time: ?? AM/PM • Place: Remoriah • Civil
Hometown: Remoriah
Theme Song: N/A.
Height: 4'5" ft. (... cm)Weight: ... lbs. (... kg)
Build: Small.
Dominance: Right/Left-handed.
Skin Tone: Fair (#HexCode)
Hair Color: Chestnut (#HexCode)
Eye Color: Brown (#HexCode)
Nicknames: Princess, Cutie pie, Cupcake,any of the latter with "little" prefixed to it (by father).
Orientation: Heterosexual
Religion: Needs names
Zodiac: Cancer
Bloodtype: ?-/+
Likes: Stuffed animals, Parasols, Toys, Ribbons, Blankets, Pillows, Most soft cloth materials, Domestic animals, Playing outside, Sunny days, Snow, Stars, Vacations and trips.
Dislikes: Being teased or lied to, Rain, Hailstorms, Grey or Cloudy skies.
Hobbies: Playing games, Tea parties, .
Turn-Ons: Unknown.
Turn-Offs: Unknown.
Favorite Colors: Purple, Pink, White, Mint, Lilac, Pale Yellow, Red, Light Red, Pastel Colors.
Favorite Foods: Pralines, Iced Tea, Cider, Chocolate Milk, Garlic Bread, Toast, Most Jams, Pecan Pie, Gingerbread Cookies, Pinwheel Cookies, Checker Cookies, Most Cookies (especially if shaped like cute things), Tarts, Marshmallows, Puddings, Cakes, Cheese, Carrots, Cream Corn, Peas, Stews.
Least Favorite Foods: Onions, Bitter Vegetables, Most Fish, Lemons, Limes, Sour Fruits.
Favorite Animals: Cats, Rabbits, Bears, Ducks, Butterflies.
Favorite Seasons: Winter.
Phobias: Unknown.
Habits: Cries easily, Prefers most meals and desserts warm, except some snacks.
Personality: Even though she's still a child at heart, she tends to have an adult-like manner. Whether it's a look of seriousness, listlessness or a sharp focus. That's not to say she can't express joy and sorrow, among other emotions, though. In fact, she's quite the crybaby and gets fussy very easily when she's frustrated. It's also safe to say she's not the type to mask her body language well. Though, because she prefers playing games like pretend "exploring" outside, which require physical activity, she usually attempts to put up a tomboyish front when confronted with an intimidating situation. Able to play roughly, but cries and gets moody if she gets hurt, or it's too rough for her liking. She's the type of child who would come home with many scrapes and bruises, as well as the need for band-aids... Still, she never regrets her adventures and finds many trinkets and things she treasures.
Around new people she meets, Rebecca opens up easily to speak her mind, especially during the hard times. She's very sensitive emotionally, so she can be sympathetic or stand up for herself and others. When it comes to optimism and pessimism, she's a two-sided coin. Emotion tends to overrule her logic, but she also prefers to believe and see good in others. She's also a bit of a loudmouth, mostly when she doesn't mean to. So she's not very good at keeping secrets.. Also, despite how she appears, she's not very demure.. unless special company calls for it. Like her mother, she doesn't care about being ladylike and she isn't afraid; except when someone she cares about is in trouble. In those cases she tends to be on the more emotional or helpless side, like her father. However, luckily for her, she's the type who can turn her emotions in her favor; turning sorrow and pain into power and strength.
Keywords: Crybaby, Serious, Sharp-minded.
Keywords: N/A.Similar Voices: N/A.
Accents: None.
Native Language: Civilian.
Known Languages: Civilian.
• Neutral: “...",
• Happy: "...",
• Sad: "...",
• Angry: “...”,
• Scared: “...”,
• Common Words, Prefixes & Suffixes: "...”,
Role: MajorAlignment: Good
Storyline: (Past) She was born in Remoriah as a noble, in a nice big house. Yet it was cozier and smaller than the mansions most nobles lived in. She heard tales about when her father lost his nobility and how he and her mother joined a group of mercenaries. How they were the ones responsible for a revolution, which lead them to marry; since his mother was a commoner and so, forbidden to marry her father, him being a noble and cross-class marriage was illegal at the time. For those reasons Rebecca greatly respects and enjoys her parents company, so she grew up in their happy little home. Never knowing they had once owned a castle or fought using magic, nor were able to transform into Demi-Gods to protect their world and it's dimensions...
It was safe to say, however, that her parents made the right choice in raising her simply. Had she known, she might've gotten into worse danger at a young age... So she spent most of her early childhood indoors, with her father. Her mother had ownership of a lot of market districts from cities near and far, so she was always doing business even when she was at home. On the other hand, her father had never worked much aside his writing and music, which were self-employed jobs. Plus he was always somewhat sickly and disliked being alone, so he found his daughter to be the perfect companion aside their family pets. This caused them to grow close and although her mother loved her very much as well, her father always enjoyed spoiling her. (...more?)
Tutors: ? (Studies).Parents: Edward Langley (Father), Katrina Johanson (Mother).
Siblings: ? (Relation).
Other Family Members: April (Aunt), May (Aunt), June (Aunt).
Friends: ? (Relationship).
Romance Interests: N/A.
Pets: Percy (Cat • Breed: Birman), Pietro (Dog • Breed:Chowchow).
(Ownership of neither, they're family pets but her father mainly owns them.)
Relationship Charts : Damien
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Inscribed by Edward Blankenship at 1:11 PM
Damien : Aiji
Damien : Dallas
Damien : Dorian
Damien : Edward
Damien : Isabell
Damien : Katrina
Damien : Koh
Damien : Kuja
Damien : Nijeru
Damien : Raef
Damien : Rebecca
Damien : Remi
Damien : Rhylee
Damien : Rubi
Damien : Saluna
Damien : Sherrice
Damien : Yin
Damien : Yoru
Damien : Yun
Dorian : Aiji
Dorian : Dallas
Dorian : Damien
Dorian : Edward
Dorian : Isabell
Dorian : Katrina
Dorian : Koh
Dorian : Kuja
Dorian : Nijeru
Dorian : Raef
Dorian : Rebecca
Dorian : Remi
Dorian : Rhylee
Dorian : Rubi
Dorian : Saluna
Dorian : Sherrice
Dorian : Yin
Dorian : Yoru
Dorian : Yun
Koh : Damien
Koh : Dorian
Koh : Edward
Koh : Isabell
Koh : Katrina
Koh : Kuja
Koh : Nijeru
Koh : Raef
Koh : Rebecca
Koh : Remi
Koh : Rhylee
Koh : Rubi
Koh : Saluna
Koh : Seki
Koh : Sherrice
Koh : Yin
Koh : Yoru
Koh : Yun
Friends (11 RP) | "Damien's idea of their relationship is quite similar to Aiji's; allies who can talk business, but with issues on a personal level. They're both independent and used to working alone too, however Damien would be the first one to offer assistance, while Aiji prefers to handle things alone. While Damien doesn't mind Aiji's use of machinery, he still believes magic will and has transcended it's uses. Both are too proud to agree on the matter of magic versus machine, but they will work together regardless in a pinch. They do have one thing in common though, they're prodigies and are smart at what they do."
Damien : Dallas
Friends (10 RP) | "While Damien is willing to work with Dallas, he's the type of friend that he would roll his eyes at.. In his opinion, he's just a very skilled, lazy womanizer. When it comes to business, Damien expects him not to be so lazy; he is a skilled marksman after all. So he trusts Dallas to do his duty, but won't hesitate to push him to it. Then when he forgets to be on-guard with him, he tends to be surprised by Dallas's flirtatious tendencies. Being none to adept with women already, Damien doesn't even know how to begin dealing with a man's advances... That and he doesn't know how far Dallas intends to go on with it. His first instinct is to freak out or get mad, which makes it all the more fun for Dallas to tease him. All-in-all Damien would admit to being friends with him, he just doesn't trust Dallas, even if he is only joking."
Damien : Dorian
Alliance (RP 09) | "Damien is loyal to the Lecross family since his city is located within it's Kingdom, though he knows part of his family's heritage lies in Arcadis as well. While he would defend the future King from harm selflessly, it's not his primary concern, as his goals are both multiple and uncertain. If he feels the need to converse with Prince Dorian, he will be sure to be on good terms. Understanding and able as an ally, but not quite a follower who is willing to live in his Kingdom forever. He's certain fate may lead him elsewhere someday, but for now their alliance and trust is important. Damien may even offer tactician-like services, if he is to be taken seriously by his Majesty, despite the fact the he is not royalty, but comes from a long line of nobles who were well-read in many subjects."
Damien : Edward
Friends (11 RP) | "While Damien thinks of him as a friend, it's something he keeps in his head most of the time. He has an easier time talking to him than Aiji, but sees little use for it at times. Aside his use of magic, noble upbringing and writing ability, they don't have much in common in terms of personal views. The majority of it lying in Edward's blind optimism and religious values. Damien thinks that Edward should study and learn to think for himself more, though finds it difficult to get through to him and so he doesn't persist very much. Damien also knows for certain, that he trusts Edward more than Edward trusts him. Being well-versed in psychology and not quite as naive or cowardly, Damien believes he can trust in him to a degree. That is, trust in terms of loyalty, but not exactly in his ability to handle situations..."
Damien : Isabell
Best Friend (20 RP) | "Having known her since his childhood, Damien's sister Isabell is likely to be his closest companion. Though they were separated for a time after their parents disappeared, when he sent her to live with some relatives in Tresern. Later on the one thing he was able to remember despite having amnesia, was his sister's name and face, which shows how much he thought of her throughout those years. After being reunited he was glad to know she grew up to become somewhat more independent, though he missed most of it. The only thing he's not fond of, that she accumulated during that time, was her ability to communicate with the spirits. While he acts as her guardian most of the time, there's little he can do to protect her from the spirit world... Being the last two Namiers who bear the family name, Damien treasures his sister dearly. Not the type to trust many, he trusts in her innocence and intuition."
Damien : Katrina
Friends (10 RP) | "Having been brought up around demure or otherwise, well-mannered noble women all of his life, Damien is a little more than surprised by a common woman who acts this way. Though he admires and finds use for her spontaneity and fearlessness, he's also aware of it's ups and downs. Not to mention, he secretly thinks she isn't very smart and can come off as relatively patronizing.. Still, Katrina is only a year older than he is, so they're fair with most arguments enough to settle them civilly. (Except for those peeves such as ones which endanger her loved ones, which calls up her mean streak; and for those which trifle with Damien's knowledge or beliefs.) Aside from their soft spots, they can work together with minimal fighting. Then again, while they may be friends by association, they don't get along very well when they're not working."
Damien : Koh
Friends (12 RP) | "Damien thinks Koh is more foolish than fearsome, generally not respecting him very much. He knows for a fact that the boy is still young and more physically adept than he is mentally, so the best he can do is provide assistance. Even if that assistance is holding him back with a gravity spell... Most of the time Koh refuses to follow his lead, but he does, however, show signs of listening and remembering what he says; so Damien does not believe he is a total loss. He finds this friend to be a valuable asset for him in battle and for communing across cultural boundaries. However, he'd prefer Isabell translate and discuss things with the boy, as she has lived with the counter tribe to his people."
Damien : Kuja
(RP) | "Damien supports Kuja's interests in the ecosystem and is a bit more learned in the ways of mana. Being so, he may as well be one of the few who can converse well with him on scientific and magical subjects. With Kuja's agreeable nature and Damien's assertiveness, they can sometimes work like a boss and his yes man. Damien will even instruct him to take notes and greatly enjoys Kuja's ability to follow and listen. (Being that his usual company lacks these.) Though Kuja still has a few set beliefs, unless they're endangered by Damien physically, he can easily dismiss most arguments. Though Damien has the feeling Kuja dislikes dabbling in the occult or unnatural magics, he believes that someday he may make a good scientist or professor of some sort."
Damien : Nijeru
Relationship | "..."
Damien : Raef
Relationship | "..."
Damien : Rebecca
Relationship | "..."
Damien : Remi
Relationship | "..."
Damien : Rhylee
Relationship | "..."
Damien : Rubi
Relationship | "..."
Damien : Saluna
Relationship | "..."
Damien : Sherrice
Relationship | "..."
Damien : Yin
Relationship | "..."
Damien : Yoru
Relationship | "..."
Damien : Yun
Relationship | "..."
Dorian : Aiji
Relationship | "..."
Dorian : Dallas
Relationship | "..."
Dorian : Damien
Relationship | "..."
Dorian : Edward
Relationship | "..."
Dorian : Isabell
Relationship | "..."
Dorian : Katrina
Relationship | "..."
Dorian : Koh
Relationship | "..."
Dorian : Kuja
Relationship | "..."
Dorian : Nijeru
Relationship | "..."
Dorian : Raef
Relationship | "..."
Dorian : Rebecca
Relationship | "..."
Dorian : Remi
Relationship | "..."
Dorian : Rhylee
Relationship | "..."
Dorian : Rubi
Relationship | "..."
Dorian : Saluna
Relationship | "..."
Dorian : Sherrice
Relationship | "..."
Dorian : Yin
Relationship | "..."
Dorian : Yoru
Relationship | "..."
Dorian : Yun
Relationship | "..."
Koh : AijiIsabell : Aiji
Isabell : Dallas
Isabell : Damien
Isabell : Dorian
Isabell : Edward
Isabell : Katrina
Isabell : Koh
Isabell : Kuja
Isabell : Nijeru
Isabell : Raef
Isabell : Rebecca
Isabell : Remi
Isabell : Rhylee
Isabell : Rubi
Isabell : Saluna
Isabell : Sherrice
Isabell : Yin
Isabell : Yoru
Isabell : Yun
Relationship | "..."
Isabell : Dallas
Relationship | "..."
Isabell : Damien
Relationship | "..."
Isabell : Dorian
Relationship | "..."
Isabell : Edward
Relationship | "..."
Isabell : Katrina
Relationship | "..."
Isabell : Koh
Relationship | "..."
Isabell : Kuja
Relationship | "..."
Isabell : Nijeru
Relationship | "..."
Isabell : Raef
Relationship | "..."
Isabell : Rebecca
Relationship | "..."
Isabell : Remi
Relationship | "..."
Isabell : Rhylee
Relationship | "..."
Isabell : Rubi
Relationship | "..."
Isabell : Saluna
Relationship | "..."
Isabell : Sherrice
Relationship | "..."
Isabell : Yin
Relationship | "..."
Isabell : Yoru
Relationship | "..."
Isabell : Yun
Relationship | "..."
One-sided Friendship | "Koh has fun watching Aiji build things but also attempts to use his creations or play with them. He tends to tag along, even when Aiji doesn't realize it. When he gets into trouble he usually just laughs when and doesn't stop doing what Aiji scolds him for; but sometimes he'll get huffy or run off crying when Aiji yells at him too much. Still, Koh thinks Aiji can be a lot of fun when he's doing something impulsive, but he doesn't understand the importance of Aiji's work. So when Aiji treats him like an annoyance, he calls him a grumpy old man."Koh : Dallas
Relationship | "..."
Koh : Damien
Relationship | "..."
Koh : Dorian
Relationship | "..."
Koh : Edward
Relationship | "..."
Koh : Isabell
Relationship | "..."
Koh : Katrina
Relationship | "..."
Koh : Kuja
Relationship | "..."
Koh : Nijeru
Relationship | "..."
Koh : Raef
Relationship | "..."
Koh : Rebecca
Relationship | "..."
Koh : Remi
Relationship | "..."
Koh : Rhylee
Relationship | "..."
Koh : Rubi
Relationship | "..."
Koh : Saluna
Relationship | "..."
Koh : Seki
Relationship | "..."
Koh : Sherrice
Relationship | "..."
Koh : Yin
Relationship | "..."
Koh : Yoru
Relationship | "..."
Koh : Yun
Relationship | "..."
Kuja : Aiji
NijeruRelationship | "..."
Kuja : Dallas
Kuja : Damien
Kuja : Dorian
Kuja : Edward
Kuja : Isabell
Kuja : Katrina
Kuja : Koh
Kuja : Nijeru
Kuja : Raef
Kuja : Rebecca
Kuja : Remi
Kuja : Rhylee
Kuja : Rubi
Kuja : Saluna
Kuja : Seki
Kuja : Sherrice
Kuja : Yin
Kuja : Yoru
Kuja : Yun
Relationship | "..."
Kuja : Damien
Relationship | "..."
Kuja : Dorian
Relationship | "..."
Kuja : Edward
Relationship | "..."
Kuja : Isabell
Relationship | "..."
Kuja : Katrina
Relationship | "..."
Kuja : Koh
Relationship | "..."
Kuja : Nijeru
Relationship | "..."
Kuja : Raef
Relationship | "..."
Kuja : Rebecca
Relationship | "..."
Kuja : Remi
Relationship | "..."
Kuja : Rhylee
Relationship | "..."
Kuja : Rubi
Relationship | "..."
Kuja : Saluna
Relationship | "..."
Kuja : Seki
Relationship | "..."
Kuja : Sherrice
Relationship | "..."
Kuja : Yin
Relationship | "..."
Kuja : Yoru
Relationship | "..."
Kuja : Yun
Relationship | "..."
Nijeru : Aiji
Nijeru : Dallas
Nijeru : Damien
Nijeru : Dorian
Nijeru : Edward
Nijeru : Isabell
Nijeru : Katrina
Nijeru : Koh
Nijeru : Kuja
Nijeru : Raef
Nijeru : Rebecca
Nijeru : Remi
Nijeru : Rhylee
Nijeru : Rubi
Nijeru : Saluna
Nijeru : Seki
Nijeru : Sherrice
Nijeru : Yin
Nijeru : Yoru
Nijeru : Yun
RaefRelationship | "..."
Nijeru : Dallas
Relationship | "..."
Nijeru : Damien
Relationship | "..."
Nijeru : Dorian
Relationship | "..."
Nijeru : Edward
Relationship | "..."
Nijeru : Isabell
Relationship | "..."
Nijeru : Katrina
Relationship | "..."
Nijeru : Koh
Relationship | "..."
Nijeru : Kuja
Relationship | "..."
Nijeru : Raef
Relationship | "..."
Nijeru : Rebecca
Relationship | "..."
Nijeru : Remi
Relationship | "..."
Nijeru : Rhylee
Relationship | "..."
Nijeru : Rubi
Relationship | "..."
Nijeru : Saluna
Relationship | "..."
Nijeru : Seki
Relationship | "..."
Nijeru : Sherrice
Relationship | "..."
Nijeru : Yin
Relationship | "..."
Nijeru : Yoru
Relationship | "..."
Nijeru : Yun
Relationship | "..."
Raef : Aiji
Raef : Dallas
Raef : Damien
Raef : Dorian
Raef : Edward
Raef : Isabell
Raef : Katrina
Raef : Koh
Raef : Kuja
Raef : Nijeru
Raef : Rebecca
Raef : Remi
Raef : Rhylee
Raef : Rubi
Raef : Saluna
Raef : Seki
Raef : Sherrice
Raef : Yin
Raef : Yoru
Raef : Yun
RemiRelationship | "..."
Raef : Dallas
Relationship | "..."
Raef : Damien
Relationship | "..."
Raef : Dorian
Relationship | "..."
Raef : Edward
Relationship | "..."
Raef : Isabell
Relationship | "..."
Raef : Katrina
Relationship | "..."
Raef : Koh
Relationship | "..."
Raef : Kuja
Relationship | "..."
Raef : Nijeru
Relationship | "..."
Raef : Rebecca
Relationship | "..."
Raef : Remi
Relationship | "..."
Raef : Rhylee
Relationship | "..."
Raef : Rubi
Relationship | "..."
Raef : Saluna
Relationship | "..."
Raef : Seki
Relationship | "..."
Raef : Sherrice
Relationship | "..."
Raef : Yin
Relationship | "..."
Raef : Yoru
Relationship | "..."
Raef : Yun
Relationship | "..."
Remi : Aiji
Remi : Dallas
Remi : Damien
Remi : Dorian
Remi : Edward
Remi : Isabell
Remi : Katrina
Remi : Koh
Remi : Kuja
Remi : Nijeru
Remi : Raef
Remi : Rebecca
Remi : Rhylee
Remi : Rubi
Remi : Saluna
Remi : Sherrice
Remi : Yin
Remi : Yoru
Remi : Yun
RebeccaRelationship | "..."
Remi : Dallas
Relationship | "..."
Remi : Damien
Relationship | "..."
Remi : Dorian
Relationship | "..."
Remi : Edward
Relationship | "..."
Remi : Isabell
Relationship | "..."
Remi : Katrina
Relationship | "..."
Remi : Koh
Relationship | "..."
Remi : Kuja
Relationship | "..."
Remi : Nijeru
Relationship | "..."
Remi : Raef
Relationship | "..."
Remi : Rebecca
Relationship | "..."
Remi : Rhylee
Relationship | "..."
Remi : Rubi
Relationship | "..."
Remi : Saluna
Relationship | "..."
Remi : Sherrice
Relationship | "..."
Remi : Yin
Relationship | "..."
Remi : Yoru
Relationship | "..."
Remi : Yun
Relationship | "..."
Relationship | "..."
Rebecca : Aiji
Rebecca : Dallas
Rebecca : Damien
Rebecca : Dorian
Rebecca : Edward
Rebecca : Isabell
Rebecca : Katrina
Rebecca : Koh
Rebecca : Kuja
Rebecca : Nijeru
Rebecca : Raef
Rebecca : Remi
Rebecca : Rhylee
Rebecca : Rubi
Rebecca : Saluna
Rebecca : Seki
Rebecca : Sherrice
Rebecca : Yin
Rebecca : Yoru
Rebecca : Yun
RhyleeRelationship | "..."
Rebecca : Dallas
Relationship | "..."
Rebecca : Damien
Relationship | "..."
Rebecca : Dorian
Relationship | "..."
Rebecca : Edward
Relationship | "..."
Rebecca : Isabell
Relationship | "..."
Rebecca : Katrina
Relationship | "..."
Rebecca : Koh
Relationship | "..."
Rebecca : Kuja
Relationship | "..."
Rebecca : Nijeru
Relationship | "..."
Rebecca : Raef
Relationship | "..."
Rebecca : Remi
Relationship | "..."
Rebecca : Rhylee
Relationship | "..."
Rebecca : Rubi
Relationship | "..."
Rebecca : Saluna
Relationship | "..."
Rebecca : Seki
Relationship | "..."
Rebecca : Sherrice
Relationship | "..."
Rebecca : Yin
Relationship | "..."
Rebecca : Yoru
Relationship | "..."
Rebecca : Yun
Relationship | "..."
Rhylee : Aiji
Rhylee : Dallas
Rhylee : Damien
Rhylee : Dorian
Rhylee : Edward
Rhylee : Isabell
Rhylee : Katrina
Rhylee : Koh
Rhylee : Kuja
Rhylee : Nijeru
Rhylee : Raef
Rhylee : Rebecca
Rhylee : Remi
Rhylee : Rubi
Rhylee : Saluna
Rhylee : Seki
Rhylee : Sherrice
Rhylee : Yin
Rhylee : Yoru
Rhylee : Yun
RubiRelationship | "..."
Rhylee : Dallas
Relationship | "..."
Rhylee : Damien
Relationship | "..."
Rhylee : Dorian
Relationship | "..."
Rhylee : Edward
Relationship | "..."
Rhylee : Isabell
Relationship | "..."
Rhylee : Katrina
Relationship | "..."
Rhylee : Koh
Relationship | "..."
Rhylee : Kuja
Relationship | "..."
Rhylee : Nijeru
Relationship | "..."
Rhylee : Raef
Relationship | "..."
Rhylee : Rebecca
Relationship | "..."
Rhylee : Remi
Relationship | "..."
Rhylee : Rubi
Relationship | "..."
Rhylee : Saluna
Relationship | "..."
Rhylee : Seki
Relationship | "..."
Rhylee : Sherrice
Relationship | "..."
Rhylee : Yin
Relationship | "..."
Rhylee : Yoru
Relationship | "..."
Rhylee : Yun
Relationship | "..."
Rubi : Aiji
Rubi : Dallas
Rubi : Damien
Rubi : Dorian
Rubi : Edward
Rubi : Isabell
Rubi : Katrina
Rubi : Koh
Rubi : Kuja
Rubi : Nijeru
Rubi : Raef
Rubi : Rebecca
Rubi : Remi
Rubi : Rhylee
Rubi : Saluna
Rubi : Seki
Rubi : Sherrice
Rubi : Yin
Rubi : Yoru
Rubi : Yun
SalunaRelationship | "..."
Rubi : Dallas
Relationship | "..."
Rubi : Damien
Relationship | "..."
Rubi : Dorian
Relationship | "..."
Rubi : Edward
Relationship | "..."
Rubi : Isabell
Relationship | "..."
Rubi : Katrina
Relationship | "..."
Rubi : Koh
Relationship | "..."
Rubi : Kuja
Relationship | "..."
Rubi : Nijeru
Relationship | "..."
Rubi : Raef
Relationship | "..."
Rubi : Rebecca
Relationship | "..."
Rubi : Remi
Relationship | "..."
Rubi : Rhylee
Relationship | "..."
Rubi : Saluna
Relationship | "..."
Rubi : Seki
Relationship | "..."
Rubi : Sherrice
Relationship | "..."
Rubi : Yin
Relationship | "..."
Rubi : Yoru
Relationship | "..."
Rubi : Yun
Relationship | "..."
Saluna : Aiji
Saluna : Dallas
Saluna : Damien
Saluna : Dorian
Saluna : Edward
Saluna : Isabell
Saluna : Katrina
Saluna : Koh
Saluna : Kuja
Saluna : Nijeru
Saluna : Raef
Saluna : Rebecca
Saluna : Remi
Saluna : Rhylee
Saluna : Rubi
Saluna : Seki
Saluna : Sherrice
Saluna : Yin
Saluna : Yoru
Saluna : Yun
SekiRelationship | "..."
Saluna : Dallas
Relationship | "..."
Saluna : Damien
Relationship | "..."
Saluna : Dorian
Relationship | "..."
Saluna : Edward
Relationship | "..."
Saluna : Isabell
Relationship | "..."
Saluna : Katrina
Relationship | "..."
Saluna : Koh
Relationship | "..."
Saluna : Kuja
Relationship | "..."
Saluna : Nijeru
Relationship | "..."
Saluna : Raef
Relationship | "..."
Saluna : Rebecca
Relationship | "..."
Saluna : Remi
Relationship | "..."
Saluna : Rhylee
Relationship | "..."
Saluna : Rubi
Relationship | "..."
Saluna : Seki
Relationship | "..."
Saluna : Sherrice
Relationship | "..."
Saluna : Yin
Relationship | "..."
Saluna : Yoru
Relationship | "..."
Saluna : Yun
Relationship | "..."
Seki : Aiji
Seki : Dallas
Seki : Damien
Seki : Dorian
Seki : Edward
Seki : Isabell
Seki : Katrina
Seki : Koh
Seki : Kuja
Seki : Nijeru
Seki : Raef
Seki : Rebecca
Seki : Remi
Seki : Rhylee
Seki : Rubi
Seki : Saluna
Seki : Sherrice
Seki : Yin
Seki : Yoru
Seki : Yun
SherriceRelationship | "..."
Seki : Dallas
Relationship | "..."
Seki : Damien
Relationship | "..."
Seki : Dorian
Relationship | "..."
Seki : Edward
Relationship | "..."
Seki : Isabell
Relationship | "..."
Seki : Katrina
Relationship | "..."
Seki : Koh
Relationship | "..."
Seki : Kuja
Relationship | "..."
Seki : Nijeru
Relationship | "..."
Seki : Raef
Relationship | "..."
Seki : Rebecca
Relationship | "..."
Seki : Remi
Relationship | "..."
Seki : Rhylee
Relationship | "..."
Seki : Rubi
Relationship | "..."
Seki : Saluna
Relationship | "..."
Seki : Sherrice
Relationship | "..."
Seki : Yin
Relationship | "..."
Seki : Yoru
Relationship | "..."
Seki : Yun
Relationship | "..."
Sherrice : Aiji
Sherrice : Dallas
Sherrice : Damien
Sherrice : Dorian
Sherrice : Edward
Sherrice : Isabell
Sherrice : Katrina
Sherrice : Koh
Sherrice : Kuja
Sherrice : Nijeru
Sherrice : Raef
Sherrice : Rebecca
Sherrice : Remi
Sherrice : Rhylee
Sherrice : Rubi
Sherrice : Saluna
Sherrice : Seki
Sherrice : Yin
Sherrice : Yoru
Sherrice : Yun
YinRelationship | "..."
Sherrice : Dallas
Relationship | "..."
Sherrice : Damien
Relationship | "..."
Sherrice : Dorian
Relationship | "..."
Sherrice : Edward
Relationship | "..."
Sherrice : Isabell
Relationship | "..."
Sherrice : Katrina
Relationship | "..."
Sherrice : Koh
Relationship | "..."
Sherrice : Kuja
Relationship | "..."
Sherrice : Nijeru
Relationship | "..."
Sherrice : Raef
Relationship | "..."
Sherrice : Rebecca
Relationship | "..."
Sherrice : Remi
Relationship | "..."
Sherrice : Rhylee
Relationship | "..."
Sherrice : Rubi
Relationship | "..."
Sherrice : Saluna
Relationship | "..."
Sherrice : Seki
Relationship | "..."
Sherrice : Yin
Relationship | "..."
Sherrice : Yoru
Relationship | "..."
Sherrice : Yun
Relationship | "..."
Yin : Aiji
Yin : Dallas
Yin : Damien
Yin : Dorian
Yin : Edward
Yin : Isabell
Yin : Katrina
Yin : Koh
Yin : Kuja
Yin : Nijeru
Yin : Raef
Yin : Rebecca
Yin : Remi
Yin : Rhylee
Yin : Rubi
Yin : Saluna
Yin : Seki
Yin : Sherrice
Yin : Yoru
Yin : Yun
YoruRelationship | "..."
Yin : Dallas
Relationship | "..."
Yin : Damien
Relationship | "..."
Yin : Dorian
Relationship | "..."
Yin : Edward
Relationship | "..."
Yin : Isabell
Relationship | "..."
Yin : Katrina
Relationship | "..."
Yin : Koh
Relationship | "..."
Yin : Kuja
Relationship | "..."
Yin : Nijeru
Relationship | "..."
Yin : Raef
Relationship | "..."
Yin : Rebecca
Relationship | "..."
Yin : Remi
Relationship | "..."
Yin : Rhylee
Relationship | "..."
Yin : Rubi
Relationship | "..."
Yin : Saluna
Relationship | "..."
Yin : Seki
Relationship | "..."
Yin : Sherrice
Relationship | "..."
Yin : Yoru
Relationship | "..."
Yin : Yun
Best Friends | "After losing Yun's body at birth, Yin tends to feel sorry for him and wants to make it up to him; although they both suffered. Yin is very protective of her brother, for the fact that his life is a miracle on it's own. Still, she always picks on him because she's not used to showing her more sensitive side. She thinks he can become stronger through this tough love, but she can get carried away."
Yoru : Aiji
Yoru : Dallas
Yoru : Damien
Yoru : Dorian
Yoru : Edward
Yoru : Isabell
Yoru : Katrina
Yoru : Koh
Yoru : Kuja
Yoru : Nijeru
Yoru : Raef
Yoru : Remi
Yoru : Rhylee
Yoru : Rubi
Yoru : Saluna
Yoru : Seki
Yoru : Sherrice
Yoru : Yin
Yoru : Yun
YunRelationship | "..."
Yoru : Dallas
Relationship | "..."
Yoru : Damien
Relationship | "..."
Yoru : Dorian
Relationship | "..."
Yoru : Edward
Relationship | "..."
Yoru : Isabell
Relationship | "..."
Yoru : Katrina
Relationship | "..."
Yoru : Koh
Relationship | "..."
Yoru : Kuja
Relationship | "..."
Yoru : Nijeru
Relationship | "..."
Yoru : Raef
Relationship | "..."
Yoru : Remi
Relationship | "..."
Yoru : Rhylee
Relationship | "..."
Yoru : Rubi
Relationship | "..."
Yoru : Saluna
Relationship | "..."
Yoru : Seki
Relationship | "..."
Yoru : Sherrice
Relationship | "..."
Yoru : Yin
Relationship | "..."
Yoru : Yun
Relationship | "..."
Yun : Aiji
Yun : Dallas
Yun : Damien
Yun : Dorian
Yun : Edward
Yun : Isabell
Yun : Katrina
Yun : Koh
Yun : Kuja
Yun : Nijeru
Yun : Raef
Yun : Rebecca
Yun : Remi
Yun : Rhylee
Yun : Rubi
Yun : Saluna
Yun : Seki
Yun : Sherrice
Yun : Yoru
Yun : Yin
Relationship | "..."
Yun : Dallas
Relationship | "..."
Yun : Damien
Relationship | "..."
Yun : Dorian
Relationship | "..."
Yun : Edward
Alliance | "At times it's noticeable that Yun and Edward are on the same boat, when it comes to being pushed around; since Yin and Katrina are much alike. This has caused them to share a secret understanding that can be felt without words. However, only Yun and Edward seem to notice this... Though they're both shy and it takes them awhile to become friends. First being more like allies out of timidity and respect, until they realized neither of them can really think badly of the other."
Yun : Isabell
Relationship | "..."
Yun : Katrina
Relationship | "..."
Yun : Koh
Relationship | "..."
Yun : Kuja
Awkward (2RP) | "Yun is shy but friendly with Kuja; albeit a little intimidated by his confidence and curiosity. Not as bad as Aiji, though. He also finds it a bit odd that Kuja does such extensive research on such simple subjects and that his homeland is considered a wasteland... Still, Yun can still see that Kuja is a good and hardworking individual, respecting him as he does most adults."
Yun : Nijeru
Enemy (-10RP) | "While Yun knows Nijeru's plans are immoral, and holds this against him; his feelings are impersonal. He wants to stop him and of course, protect the other nations from his attacks. However due to his passive nature, he still wants to find a way to make peace somehow. Even if that means subduing Nijeru and his army in the process. Yun understands that Nijeru must have some reason for doing all of this. Even though he's hurt by the deaths that he's caused."
Yun : Raef
Friendship (7RP) | "Due to Yun's morals and the Moon Temple's teachings, he doesn't like the fact that Raef steals. He dislikes when Raef tries to get him in on the trouble or when he teams up with Yin. Yun tries to scold him or stop him, but Raef won't take him seriously because of his age and the way he acts. Yun thinks Raef can be a good person if he'd just give up sins like greed. Still, by the end of the day, he can call him his friend..."
Yun : Rebecca
Relationship | "(Yun 27 yrs.) ..."
Yun : Remi
Stranger (0RP) | "Since they're members of opposite tribes, it's hard for Yun to approach Remi at all. Even moreso for the fact she's cold and not good with children. However, since he knows she's on his side, working for the Civil army, he knows she's not a complete threat. Though he is cautious and watchful of her, for she may be a spy or some connection from Setyrn..."
Yun : Rhylee
Stranger (0RP) | "Only knowing Rhylee as a Setyrian spy, Yun could think of her as both an enemy and someone he just shouldn't associate with. By the time he met her, it was already discovered that she was a potential threat, though he has no personal issue with it being her job. However, he doesn't see her as a personal threat, only someone to be stopped before information is exchanged. He has chivalrous morals and dislikes fighting with women."
Yun : Rubi
Acquiantance (4RP) | "Rubi's strictness causes Yun to be extra obedient around her. He trusts her intellect enough to believe she knows what's she's doing. While he doesn't fully understand what the Redd Siblings went through, he doesn't think of them as outlaws. He doesn't know much about her other than her job or how she acts and is surprised to see how she acts when off the job."
Yun : Saluna
Acquiantance (3RP) | "Saluna and Yun are more allies than enemies, due to their countries being at peace. However, they hardly have time to get to know eachother on a personal level. Yun respects her, of course because of her status and ability. Saluna on the other hand, treats him as a child. She has no understanding of the concept that he is gifted spiritually beyond the use of magic."
Yun : Seki
Friendship (13RP) | "Although Yun can't sense any malice in Seki's heart, he's still scared of him because of his appearance and spontaneity. He tries not to appear so, though, as not to hurt or offend the kind doctor. Yun is very grateful for what he did to help Yin and likes to help him and learn about medicine. He can trust and handle being around the doctor more than his sister, because he respects his occupation."
Yun : Sherrice
Enemies (-8RP) | "Sherrice's ideals for a new era disgust Yun and he won't even accept listening to her. Normally he isn't, but around her manipulative aura and sadistic views, he can become tense and easily angered. He of course, doesn't trust her and knows that she has many tricks up her sleeve. Being able to detect her true intent, rather than to be fooled by a pretty face or a welcoming gesture."
Yun : Yoru
One-sided Friendship (7RP) | "Yun thinks Yoru is very mysterious and is sometimes curious about what he does. Since Yun is somewhat empathetic, he can sense that Yoru has a lot of deep pain in his soul. Though his efforts to lend Yoru any assistance or sympathy are often ignored, he'll still try his best in order to help him. This is also because Yun feels all living beings are equal and should be cared about. He wishes Yoru could see that he is still human..."
Yun : Yin
Best Friends (20RP) | "Being siblings and even having shared the same body at one time; has made a close bond between the two. Not thinking of himself, Yun feels extremely guilty for the hardship that his sister had to endure throughout their childhood. Though he will whine and occasionally protest when Yin picks on him; he feels that he owes her enough to be loyal, tolerant and patient most of the time. They understand eachother the most of all."
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