Terrain Affinities
In order to cast an elemental spell, you'll need both MP and an affinity source from the terrain; during a battle, knowing your terrain can be an important advantage. Some terrains will power up or weaken certain elements as well. Gravity is almost always an active affinity, unless the terrain is a dimensional rift or on another abnormal plane of existence. Of course, lesser affinities combined of two elements (Such as Steam from Fire+Water), require both affinity sources be met by sources.
Times of Day
Remember! Time of day also changes Light and Dark's effectiveness. Light spells are stronger in the day time but weaker at night; the same effect is reversed during the opposing hours. These effects are active regardless of whether you're inside or outside. However, noon causes both elements to be balanced, neither stronger nor weaker.
Physical Affinities
When the right affinities aren't on the terrain and you need one to use the spell, there is a chance you may still be able to! This is called Physical Affinity, where one drains their own HP or SP in order to replace the terrain affinity. The chance you are able to do this depends on two things:
1) The affinities you need to cast the spell.
2) The makeup of your character's affinities.
Every 10 AFF your character has, counts as 1% chance of being able to use it as a terrain affinity. However, since it is draining their body's affinity (ex. Heat, Water, ect.) it will cause slight damage to their HP. (The amount of damage depends on half of the total MP cost.)
Substitute Affinities
Another way to ensure usage of terrain affinities, is known as a Substitute Affinity. Technically it's any other unnatural source besides a Physical or Terrain Affinity. This includes items and spells which imbue affinities into a character or terrain; (though it's effect will still be that of a physical affinity if used on an ally, damaging their HP upon using the spell.)
Below are some examples of Terrain Affinities, though it really depends on the specific dungeon.
(Ex. A sewer dungeon with water affinity or a dungeon with lit torches, giving it light and fire affinities.)
Terrain: Dungeon (mines with lanterns)
Affinities: Dark • Earth • Light • Mineral • Gravity
Terrain: Plains (grassy with ponds)
Affinities: Light • Dark • Water • Wind • Earth
Heat • Marsh • Plant • Gravity
Terrain: Forest (with poisonous plants and streams)
Affinities: Light • Dark • Water • Wind • Earth
Heat • Marsh • Poison • Plant • Gravity

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