Theme: "Halloween? Party"
Deadline: Oct 31st
To Do
- The holiday name should be changed to something more original.
- Place/Time/Date/Activities should be decided.
- Costumes must be decided for characters who'll wear them.
- Most likely held in the Civil Nation.
- Event held by the ??? Guild/Edward (If he has the castle at this time.), Damien and Isabell at his family's mansion? in Culdecia, Dorian and/or Saluna in Lecross (if it's Kingdom has recovered by this time) or another ruler of someplace.
- Characters can come in costumes.
- There should be some sort of games/contests/activities/events to participate in.
Theme: "Harvest Festival"
Deadline:Nov 25th
To Do
- Decide where the festival is held, by whom.
- Choose what types of food are traditional, if not use the ones I know from Thanksgiving.
- Decide who made the contest; the eating contests entrants, winner(s) and prize(s).
- Before the feast there's an eating contest.
- {Eating Contest MiniGame} For use in-game, not the story.
• Meters:
Time - When it's full, the contest ends.
Fullness - When it's full, they'll stop eating until it drops again.
Score - Increased by eating.
• Stats:
Speed - Eats faster.
Endurance - Fullness increases slower.
• Players:
Edward (Speed)
Speed ★★★★
Endurance ★★☆☆
Koh (Endurance)
Speed ★★☆☆
Endurance ★★★★
Raef (Balanced)
Speed ★★★☆
Endurance ★★★☆
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